Mexican Coins, Medals, Paper Money, and U.S Mint-Sewn 100-Quarter Mini-bags
P.O. Box 381
Woodland Hills, CA; 91365
Ken Tabachnick
Phone: 818-340-2049
(Between 9AM and 6PM Pacific Time) 
FAX: 818-340-9587
Modern Mexican and Republic Mexican Coins

Mexican Paper Money and Medals of all periods

Catalogs and Reference Materials

Recently added: U.S. Mint-sewn 100-Quarter Mini-bags --
all issues available for sale

Continual service since 1960

Member, Sociedad Numismatica de Mexico, A.C.

Author of
Coin World Modern Mexican Coin Trends, Blu-Tab Mexican Market Comments/Review, and Blu-Tab Mexican Paper Money Review
Mail Order Exclusively

  Retail and Wholesale

       Buy - Sell - Trade
Send $3.00 (refundable) and self-addressed, business-sized, STAMPED envelope (First-Class postage, 2 ounces) to above address for price list of 20th and 21st century coins, catalogs, etc.

Send self-addressed, STAMPED envelope for inquiry on Mexican paper money. Please use Gaytan or Douglas (et al) numbers if possible -- or a short description will do. (Notes in stock range from under $1.00 each to $85,000 each.)