Hi !!!!!!!!!. there world., Yes finally FroZen^F|re ( yeaah.,, baby thts MEeee) has gone online and built my own Web Page, Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy.,,,, :)
This Page is for People of Every Kind starting from the wackiest ppl in the world. Although this is My first experience makin a web page but i still hope u would like it. Well down Below are different categories through which u can browwse this site ( Please wait for the whole page to load).
FroZen^F|re's Request Corner
have a request ??.,, want it to be placed here for 3 days., ?? If yes you are
most WELCOME to
me and i will try to ful fill them as soon as possible ( Click on the envelope ).
Please type "Request " in the subject dialogue box while u send the
Note:- only music files can be played i.e the file will be instrumental. No SONGs
Include ur name ( or nickname) , the song u wanna dedicate, and the name of whom u wanna dedicate it to.
Links to my favourite sites.
At the moment:-
Coming Soon., FroZen^F|re's MP3 Page
FroZen^F|re's Fiery Models ( Pictures)
Wanan b my Pal? email me
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