Born in Pakistan, I left for the US to acquire an education in photography. Graduated from the Brooks Institute of Photographic Arts & Science in Santa Barbara in 1982, here I specialized in the area of Industrial and Scientific photography. Later, while working in LA, I also acquired a diploma in Bio-Medical Photography from the Ventura County General Hospital.

Summer of 1984 I went back to Pakistan and stayed there for the next thirteen years acquiring a name and reputation as the leading photographer in that country. During these thirteen years, the variety of experience that I gained, I believe, could not have been acquired any where else in the world.

During this period I also managed to successfully publish "VISAGE" a fashion magazine which survives to date.

September of 1997 I moved to Canada which is home to me now.


Studio & Location Photography dealing with; Products, Industrial, Editorial, Fashion, Medical, Aerial and Conceptual. Desk-top Publishing and Graphic Design

List of some of the clients I have worked for:

ICI - Uni Levers- Smith Kline & Beecham - ROCHE - Coca Cola - KODAK - Fuji - Nestlé - Holiday Inn - Sheraton Hotels - Toronto Hydro - Tri-Vision Electronics - M & I Air Systems Engineering - Fluid Management Inc. - Millennium Precision Inc.

Asif Raza

AR Photography & Design

120 Watline Ave., Unit 7, Mississauga, ON. L4Z 2C1, C  A  N  A  D  A


Tel :   9 0 5 - 8 9 0 - 8 6 0 0 - Fax :  9 0 5 - 8 9 0 - 8 6 0 3

