AR Photography


Tel. 905 - 593 - 0650
Fax. 905 - 593 - 0651

"It is obvious that photography is an art form, an expression of one's ethos, a manifestation of "that something" intangible that cannot be referenced, categorized and labelled. But, at the same time, it is also a mirror to the social and material, technological and scientific milieu in which we function. What is, at one level, subjective and personal is, in the same contradictory moment, objective and public. This moment of contradiction best exemplifies my work. It defines most eloquently the vast variety of my experience, the broad sweep of my photographic canvas and the minutest detail of my vision and technique. This innovation, both of technique and subject matter, underlies my work. What distinguishes my work is the ability to use diverse technological mediums, themes, socio-political environments, aesthetics and give them coherence, in essence to make the apparent contradictions meaningful - but not necessarily to resolve them.