New Product on line
Sales Department
We are pleased to announce that we have recently brought out some new products,which are bandsaw and circular saw. And they are all available in a very attractive price.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year
Sales Department

All of your support are our most important asset.
We wish you merry christmas and Happy New year.
PS:Pictures above means "Enrich every year"
It's a very welcome phrase if you meet a chinese
during the lunar new year.
New Product on line
Sales Department
We are pleased to announce that we have recently brought out some new products,which are Drilling & Milling Machine ,
3-Ph Magnetic Drilling or Tapping Machines. And they are
all available in a very attractive price.
Price adjustment
Sales Department
The whole sale price of our main material has going up for more then one year, so that we had to rise our price on June 20,2006 (GMT + 8:00). Even so, please keep in mind that we still have a very competitively price that our competitor.
Add on line map for our HQ in Taiwan
IT Department
We are now adding a new on line map for our Taiwan HQ in order to keeping touch with our valuable customer
Join Yahoo webmarketing program
Sales Department
We hope this program could gain more expose of our great quality products and make us easier to reach by our valuable customer.
New WEB Host
IT Department
We are now rent another web host for our Chinese site and of course, it could reduce risk of web site shutting down.
Chinese domain name registered
IT Department
In order to reach up growing Chinese market, we are now development a Chinese web site.
Sales Department
MTA 2006 Vietnam, exhibited date from 03/01/2006 to 03/04/2006
in Ho Chi Ming City.