Offered by
Charles D. Bragg
Certified Public Accountant

401 Eisenhower Dr.
PO Box 14286
Savannah, GA 31416

We know that life can become quite overwhelming as you get older. Confusing bills. Insurance forms. Investment decisions. Perplexing correspondence from banks, the Internal Revenue Service, and stock brokers. All this can add up, often leaving you to question how well you can survive on your own.

CPA ElderCare Services is designed to assist you in this time of your life. You may wonder how we can be such a valuable part of your personal life. It’s simple, really. The integrity and reliability you’ve come to depend on for financial matters is what we stand for year-round, in every situation. Together, we can customize a plan that fits your needs, from simple financial services like making bill payments on time to the more complex needs like estate planning. We are ready to listen to the issues you face every day, and we are willing to suggest a plan that will make life a little easier for you.

Please call us at 912-355-4725 for more information about the ElderCare Services we offer.