
The LocoTronics Electronics for Model Railway Applications Book

A comprehensive  study on how to apply advanced electronics
and electrical techniques to achieve prototypical model railway functionality and automation.
A study of all things electrical and electronics in the model railway arena.
A multitude of new concept electronic/electrical applications.
Signal controllers, automatic train controllers, lighting control and effects electronics.
Sound effects electronics.
Electronic applications, new technology electronics for Model Railways automation.
Microcontrollers and microprocessors applications to Model Railways.
Locomotive microprocessor digital speed and functional control.
Model Railways  and the new technology, and the future.

Authored for  LocoTronics by:--
John Grenville Jones B.Sc(Eng), M.Sc( Eng), MIEEE
Electronic Systems and Design Engineer

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 Locotronics 9 Chidham Drive, Havant, Hampshire, P09 - 1DU. UNITED KINGDOM.