Yayasan Institute Ilmu Al'Quran

Sejak tahun 1983 adalah pengelola dari Institute Ilmu Al'quran ,yg berlokasi di Ciputat

If you have specific points to convey, try using a bullet list like this:
Berapa dari graduate student kami telah memenangkan beberapa even seperti,MTQ dan
beberapa perlombaan national dan international..................

Our products are great for the environment

We've been in business for over 10 years

Call our toll-free number

Paragraph Title Here (Overview)
Use this space to give your web site visitors a brief overview of your company. What is the nature of
your business? Who is your target audience? Try to sum it up in a few sentences. You can go into
greater detail on your "About Us" page.

Paragraph Title Here (What We Do)
Now that you've explained who you are, go ahead and say a little more about what you do. Do you
sell any products or services? Maybe you have some industry-specific information to convey.

Al'Quran -