It's funny. My one recurring thought about you coming home isn't what you would expect. It's not me hugging you, or kissing you. It's not holding your hand or even your smile. Every time I think of you coming home I see myself doing the same thing. I reach out with my left hand and, using the backs of my fingers, I guide your hair away from your beautiful face. The touch is very gentle, my finger tips glide ever so lightly across the soft skin just under your temple then trace down and back around your ear, down your neck and away. The moment is a silent one excepting my whispered "Hi" as a smile beams from my face. I can see this happening, I can feel your hair and skin, can even almost smell your perfume. There is never more than this when I fantasize your return, just this one gentle profound moment where that touch conveys all the love I've been saving up for the past year in one brief cosmic connection.

I miss you. I miss your dancing eyes, your disarming smile. I miss being selfish with our time. I miss silly things, too, like shopping for Kate's socks. I truly enjoyed that small bit of domestic sharing. I miss holding your hand, the feel of you. I miss your touch. I miss nuzzling that spot on your throat. I miss having you against me, your butter soft back against my hands. I miss spending hours alone and our comfort in silent togetherness. I miss feeling my soul entwine with yours. I miss my friend. I miss you.

My love for you fills every fibre of my being. I look at pictures of you and feel such longing while hearing your voice can fill me with joy. You are an incredible person, so smart... so kind. You have this gentle grace about you and there are times when I feel unworthy. Your beauty is undeniable and there are times that looking at you will weaken my knees. Your mind, your wit, your spirit, your energy, and your body captivate me.

You have always been my dearest friend, the one I can turn to no matter the reason. You have made my world glow. You have made my soul shiver with your touch, you fill my mind, heal me, turn me on, make me smile; you are a part of my whole. I'd marry you in a heartbeat were it possible. My love for you grows every day, my every breath carries your name. My days begin and end with thoughts of you.

You have gifted me with your friendship, your love, your touch. I cherish you and every moment we've had together over these many years. I look forward to many more and thank you now for all the comfort and love that you will give me in the future. What we have the world must envy.

I love you, my dear sweet amazing Kori. I love you. I love you. A million times and more, I love you. You share my soul.
