ORDERING: We do allow you to choose the exact tube or item you want. Please be very specific on each item. We suggest you give the entire line of information for each item or tube that you want. Orders will be accepted at rxtxtubes@yahoo.com or regular mail at:
Patuxent Communications
P.O. Box 507
St. Inigoes, MD 20684

Please provide your E-mail address. We do not accept orders by phone. Your invoice will show a phone number to contact for problems with the order. We ask that you only use it in special circumstances.
This is a small part-time hobby business. We sell excess stock from other small or closed service shops. We do not order. That's how our prices are so low. All that we have is shown on the pages. If it's not shown in the quantity you need, we don't have it. Orders will normally be shipped within 24 working hours (next working day) unless a vacation is posted on the opening page of the site or an advance check is waiting to clear.

PAYMENT TERMS: Make checks payable to Patuxent Communications
Domestic: There is no minimum order. A handling fee of $3.00, shipping charges, insurance (if requested) and COD (if COD) fees will be added. Payment must be in advance or COD by money order or certified check. Uncertified advance checks will be held a few days to clear. After a satisfactory track record has been established company or personal checks may be accepted either advance or COD. Do not send cash. Transactions may be conducted with PayPal via E-mail. Just ask.
Domestic Shipments: Will be via United States Postal Service. US Postal Service does not insure unless requested. YOU must specify if you want insurance. I will not insure unless you request it. The same thing applies to tracking. You must ask for it at the time of order. Tracking charges or higher rate will then be applied and added to invoice.
Maryland addresses must be charged 6% sales tax, unless a sales tax certificate is provided AND the order is over $100.00.

International: No minimum order. A handling charge of $5.00 plus fees as shown in domestic list. This includes Canada. Sorry, no international COD. International transactions MUST be handled via PayPal in US funds. PayPal conversion fees will be added. Any costs over and above our actual selling price will be charged to the customer.
International Shipments: Will be US Postal Service First Class International unless otherwise requested. Remember to specify insurance if you want it. (Insurance is not available to all locations). Please advise if another method is desired. Any addtional fees will be added.

Customs stickers will state "Obsolete Electronic Part(s)". On past experience this should clear most nation's customs without a fee. If a fee is required, it is the customer's responsibility.

OPEN ACCOUNTS: Not in the fore-see-able future.

OUT OF STOCK ITEMS: All items are subject to prior sale. Everything is first ordered, first delivered. If you order an item already sold, you will be given an opportunity to choose something else or that portion of money will be refunded (or not charged). We only buy and stock surplus, excess or closed business items. We do not order new items.

RETURNS: All items are warranteed for 95 days from the date on your invoice. Ninety-five days allows more than sufficient time for the order to reach you and allow a 90 day warranty period. Please check as soon as you receive. Adjustment is limited to like replacement or refund of part cost (our choice). Should return become necessary, please contact us for an RA, which will remain valid for 15 days. Returns must be in the same physical condition as when shipped (excepting minor additional wear and tear that may happen to old boxes). Remember to check sealed tubes the way the box allows them to be checked without breaking the seal. All parts are as shown on the pages and you are allowed to choose the ones you want. Therefore, unless the part is defective or not as we describe, ALL SALES ARE FINAL.

Refunds or reimbursement for breakage in shipment is limited to the amount of insurance up to the actual cost of the the part. UPS automatically insures up to $100.00 with no additional fee. US Mail/Parcel Post does not automatically insure items. YOU must request it. If no insurance is requested with order, none will be placed on package. Any insurance fees will be added to your invoice.

You can order this book through Pax Comm. If you do so, I will personally autograph it for you. They are $28.95 plus $6.00 S & H. It's really a good story!
A Story For Our Time
A Tale of Courage and Grit ~ With a Twist
A Rousing Adventure
Available Now!

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  • Last Update: 4/12/2008
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