
Suggest a Site to Yahoo!
Step 2 of 2: Site and Contact Information
Your Site Information
* Required Fields
Enter information about your site below to help us describe and categorize it. Please be brief and do not use all capital letters. Yahoo! reserves the right to edit all titles and descriptions.
* Site Title:
· The name of the site (eg. Museum of Modern Art)
* URL:
· The web address of the site that begins with "http://"
Geographic Location:
· The city/state and country, if relevant to placement of your site
· A brief phrase or sentence describing the content of the site
· Maximum 25 words
· Please avoid repeating the site title or category name
· Please do not capitalize the first letter of every word or use HTML tags
Your Contact Information
* Required Fields
In the event that we have questions about the placement of this site and to ensure that listings in Yahoo! cannot be changed by unauthorized persons, please provide the following:
* Contact Person:
* Contact Email:
NOTE: If you have any questions about how we use the personal information we gather, please read our Privacy Policy.
Additional Information
If you have additional ideas to help us place this site, or suggestions for new or existing categories in which your site should be placed, please let us know.

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