Medical, Biomedical and Non-Medical Dictionaries in 23 Languages

Dictionnaires en 23 langues

Diccionarios en 23 idiomas

Dicionários em 23 idiomas

ALSO Samples, Dictionaries and Glossaries
by André Fairchild,
translator, interpreter & terminologist .·.·.·.·.·.·.

.·.· tradutor, intérprete e terminologista .·.·.
·.·.· traducteur, interprète et terminologue .·

. · . · . · . · . · . · . · . · traductor, intérprete y especialista en terminología médica · . ·
Übersetzer, Dolmetscher und Terminologe .·.·
.·.·.·.· vertaler, tolk en taalkenner

This is the NON-MEDICAL PAGE of our web site; but the first link below will take you to the page with 2,090 LINKS to free medical and biomedical glossaries, medical dictionaries & online translation pages.
Links in the middle of this page are all for bilingual or trlingual NON-MEDICAL links, glossaries and dictionaries.

Click here to see André's Index and Directory of 2,095 BIOMEDICAL SITES, GLOSSARIES, medical dictionaries and biomedical online resources:
approximately 840 in English, 310 in Spanish, 134 in Portuguese, 233 in French, 142 in German, 116 in Dutch, 109 in Scandinavian languages, 26 in Finnish, and 150 in other languages, trilingual, or multilingual.
Site also includes a listing of over 110 printed medical and biomedical dictionaries in 8 languages, and links to web sites that offer dozens of printed medical dictionaries and medical books in many languages.

IF THIS PAGE SHOULD EVER DISAPPEAR or it won't load in the future,
see the near-mirror pages at !!!

André is a terminologist/translator in Colorado, USA, fluent in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch and English; Much less fluent in German; not at all fluent in Swedish, but learning.

In collaboration with several translator/contributors and medical doctors,* we have compiled a
Multilingual Biomedical-Technical Dictionary/Thesaurus

Subsets of this are available as bilingual or trilingual biomedical dictionary/thesaurus in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Swedish, and/or Dutch.
Each bilingual SUBSET of the Multilingual Biomedical-Technical Dictionary now includes over 30,440 entries in English with synonyms and details in Portuguese, French, Spanish, Dutch & German.

Many entries have synonyms and/or short definitions in English, Portuguese, German, French and/or Spanish.

You will not find any dictionary with this kind of comprehensive, multilingual biomedical-technical terminology at this price, anywhere.

The compilation of a multilingual dictionary is a never-ending task. We greatly appreciate any amendments, suggested additions or supplemental glossaries you may wish to send us by e-mail.

*Las expresiones de agradecimiento han mudado, y se encuentran muy abajo en la página

*Les paragraphes de reconnaissances aux traducteurs et médecins se sont déménagés; ils se trouvent maintenant sur la page compiling.htm

*Acknowledgments and thank-yous have been moved to the bottom of the page at

Translators: After seeing and exploring many of the free, online subsets and dictionaries, you may decide you want to acquire a complete, Bilingual or Trilingual Biomedical-Technical Dictionary/Thesaurus.
This web site was awarded the "Medical Award" on 5/31/2003. AwardClick here to find out more about

Please email André at with your feedback.

Here is a very small 4-language sample from an earlier draft:

English español português français
cuneiform cartilage; Wrisberg's cartilage el cartílago cuneiforme; el cartílago de Wrisberg a cartilagem cuneiforme le cartilage de Morgagni
device for wrist rotation exercises el aparato para la rotación de la muñeca o aparelho pela rotação do pulso l'appareil pour la rotation du poignet
compliant wrist; flexible wrist la muñeca compliante o pulso flexível le poignet compliant
to writhe; to writhe in pain retorcerse; contorcerse; retorcerse de dolor torcer-se; estrebuchar-se; estorcer-se; espernear; contorcer se tortiller; se tordre de douleur; se démener; se frémir
(noun & adjective) writhing la contorsión a contorção les contorsions; tortillant
fragile X syndrome: a frequent genetic cause of mental retardation; Martin-Bell syndrome el síndrome del X frágil; el síndrome del cromosoma X frágil; el síndrome de fragilidad del cromosoma X a síndrome do X frágil; a síndrome de fragilidade do cromossomo X le syndrome de l'X fragile, le syndrome du chromosome X fragile
xanthelasma el xantelasma o xantelasma le xanthélasma
xanthine alkaloids: alkaloids which contain xanthine as their nitrogenous base los alcaloides de xantina os alcalóides de xantina les alcaloïdes xanthine
xanthine oxidase: an iron-molybdenum flavoprotein containing flavin-adenine dinucleotide that oxidizes hypoxanthine la xantina oxid asa a xantina oxidase l' oxidase de xanthine
C5H4N4O2 xanthine: a purine base found in body tissues, certain plants, and in urinary calculi la xantina a xantina la xanthine:une nucléo-protéine retrouvée parfois dans un calculnéphrétique
xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis: an obstructive pyelonephritis associated with Proteus infection; an inflammatory condition of the kidney la pielonefritis xantogranulomatosa a pielonefrite xantogranulomatosa la pyélonéphrite xanthogranulomateuse: une néphrite interstitielle unilatérale d'origine inconnue

See a much newer, much larger four-language online sample at
/med_dictionary/muestra4iepf.xls - a detailed subset of the multilingual biomedical dictionary/thesaurus, in English, French & German ONLY
(subset with four languages removed).

This extensive Seven-language Biomedical Dictionary/Thesaurus
(now 15 Megabytes in size in Excel format) can be quickly searched, edited, augmented, rearranged or alphabetized by the English, Portuguese, French, Dutch, German or Spanish. It contains a wealth of both technical and popular health, medical, genetic and anatomical terms in a thesaurus-style wordy listing, from abdomen to zygote; from abortion to yeast infection; from anthrax to zygomatic arch; from abscess to stem cells; and from Aloe Vera to woody nightshade .
Number of words: Over 614,000.
Medical specialties include anatomy, anesthesiology, bacteriology, biology, bionics, cardiology, dentistry, dermatology, epidemiology, genetics, genomics, hematology, homeopathy, immunology, internal medicine, neurology, oncology, ophthalmology, pathology, occupational therapy, orthopedics, pharmacology, psychology, psychiatry, radiology, toxicology, dentistry, sociology and urology. (for more details see precise breakdown at the bottom of web page
It represents seven years of meticulous and painstaking research. Every term has been carefully researched, queried, verified and cross-checked against several reputable sources in seven languages.*
On request, we can send you a file in another format: CSV, DBF, RTF, QuattroPro, Lotus or Tab-delimited Text file (if your word processor or data base software can only import these formats).
Note that text formatting is available in Excel format only.

we accept payment
through PayPal!, the #1 online payment service We accept payment through PayPal!, the #1 online payment service.

↓ Bilingual versions ↓are available to individual buyers for US$70. Click on PayPal button. ↓

↓ Trilingual versions ↓are available for US$80. Click here. ↓
· · ↑ Buy any trilingual version online by clicking on this PayPal Icon.

You can order a Four-language (quadrilingual) Biomedical Dictionary/Thesaurus ®. (MMD/T, $90)

· · ↑ Buy any 5-language version of this dictionary now by clicking on this PayPal Icon.

or, order a Quintilingual Biomedical Dictionary/Thesaurus ®. (MMD/T, $100)

· · ↑ Buy any 5-language version of this dictionary now by clicking on this PayPal Icon.

or, order theMultilingual Biomedical Dictionary/Thesaurus®. (MMD/T, $110)

We accept payments via Paypal from persons in Australia, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Taiwan & the USA.

Frankly, this is really a bargain, but it is priced so low only for one person, buying as an individual.
As an individual translator, ordering a Bilingual, Multilingual or Trilingual Biomedical Dictionary/Thesaurus using the PayPal method of payment, you will still need to let us know exactly what you want, and you'll need to sign and mail an ORDER FORM / User License Agreement. A different type of contract is available for corporate buyers, such as software developers wishing to incorporate our data into their software.

Start by clicking HERE to read and copy the Order Form/User License Agreement so you can print it and mail it to us. This is required if you want to order a medical dictionary. Note that this is NOT A BOOK but is an Excel spreadsheet. You must fill out and send in an Order Form/User License Agreement in order to receive your dictionary/thesaurus.

Price includes first year's updates every few months (on your explicit request) at no extra charge to you. To receive updates, you will have to take the initiative to assert and indicate by email that you have not allowed any illicit copy of dictionary to be made or distributed. Updates will be emailed to you only after you request them and only after you provide written assurance that you have not copied nor allowed to be copied, any version of the Medical Dictionary, nor allowed any pirating of same.

Click HERE to see André's Medical Online Dictionaries and Glossaries page with over 2,090 LINKS to useful medical web sites & biomedical dictionaries in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German and 16 other languages).

In addition, you will find over 110 listings or links to non-medical glossaries and dictionaries in several languages at

WARNING: In 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable or misleading."

Click on the links below to see online versions of André's free 4-language glossary on foods, herbs, spices & cuisine. Other links below are to our free international cuisine and foods glossary, over 135 pages (mostly in French & English).

Multilingual Biomedical/Technical Dictionary/Thesaurus The names "Multilingual Biomedical/Technical Dictionary/Thesaurus" and "Bilingual Biomedical/Technical Dictionary/Thesaurus" are trademarks registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by André Fairchild. Copyright © 2001-2007 André Fairchild. All rights reserved.

Please contact André if you need a competent Translator/Interpreter.

Faço traduções e versões português/inglês. Nosso dicionário multilingüe médico não é livro no sentido tradicional.
Em vez disso, é uma planilha de 16½ Megabytes em formate Excel e outros formates. Este arquivo agora já contém mais de 30.440 verbetes em inglês com equivalentes detalhados em espanhol, português, e/ou francês. As colunas de holandês e alemão tb tem 30.440 verbetes. Há 2 colunas para cada língua: uma pelo artigo ou prefixo, outra pelo verbete principal... Assim eacute; fácil acrescentar, redigir, corrigir, e ordenar para qualquer língua.
Atualmente o preço é US$110 pela versão com 6 línguas...
Nota: Comprar o nosso dicionário não lhe permite sua republicação nem distribuição, em qualquer outra forma (impressa, digital, etc.) no seu todo nem parcialmente, mesmo que de forma não comercial.

Se você precisa só de uma versão com só inglês e português, o preço é US$70. Qualquer versão trilingue do dicionário médico é US$80. Isto é o fruto de milhares de horas e 6 anos de pesquisas minuciosas e multilingües........ Se o dicionário inteiro fosse impresso com os 6 idiomas em letras bem pequenas de 10pt, a impressão completa seria mais de 2.800 páginas grandes (216 X 356 mm). Lhes aviso que para comprar o dicionário-planilha, é preciso e necessário imprimir, assinar e enviar por correio um formulário/acordo comigo afim de pedir, comprar e receber o dicionário médico. Agora você pode pagar tb com Paypal.

Links to foreign-language (NON-medical) sites on the Web
The first 77 Links below (Blue Dots) are to free, on-line (non-medical) bilingual glossaries, dictionaries, translators or LINKS to foreign language resources:

1 German-French Dictionary; Dictionnaire allemand-français; Deutsch-französisches Wörterbuch
2 English-Hungarian-Spanish-German Dictionary
2 travlang's free online Translating Dictionaries (very limited)
3 GlossPost Lists of Glossaries and of glossary URLs compiled by Iara Regina Brazil & Maria Eugênia Farré of GlossPost mailing list for translators; links to monolingual, bilingual and multilingual online glossaries.
4 a Free multi-Language Chat Room It works very well. You type in English (or other language) and the online software translates your words - every time you hit Enter - into any one of 8 languages. Machine translation will never be 100% accurate so please refrain from comments to the webmaster about problems with accuracy in the translation
5 André's 4½-language Glossary of foods, cuisine, herbs, etc.
Part 1 (an updated, 5-language version of file is available for free in Excel or CSV formats: (tem 1.455 verbetes)
See also or get the whole thing free by email
6 Diccionarios en la Red en varios idiomas

7 André's International gastronomy glossary, Part 1. mostly in French & English.
8 André's International gastronomy glossary, Second Part. About 130 pages altogether. Available for free in RTF or WordPerfect format.
9 Lynn Webb's World Translation Resources page. current URL may have changed
10 OneLook Dictionary and Glossary List
11 a page of links to useful sites for translators
12 Cecilia falk's Language Links
13 Spanish Glossaries and Dictionaries; a comprehensive list compiled by Emile Slager
14 Diccionarios On Line: Diccionarios en castellano y Diccionarios bilingües; Universidad de Burgos
15 DICCIONARIOS: Español, Alemán, Francés, Inglés, Portugués, Multilingües
16 ATRIL - Déjà Vu translation memory software. Also free translator listings.
17 English-Swedish mountain climbing glossary
18 Wiktionary: Svenskt språkindex:A, med Språkindex i
19 List of available translators & translation agencies in the whole world
20 Dictionaries & Language Resources, over 230 excellent language-related links
21 Susan Larson's huge list of glossaries & searching tips (Language Links Plus)
22 Glossários financeiros. Financial Glossaries, many different languages
See also (in English only)
23 dmoz The Open Directory Project: Dictionaries: Language (search)
24 Frank Dietz's great glossary links - over 650 glossary links!
: tool for linguists: English, French, Spanish & German terms in social & labor fields.
26 Roget's Thesaurus online, complete! (English only)
27 Language linked to medical mistakes Study at Boston clinic examines growing problem of errors made by interpreters. An article by Marilynn Marchione. Mistakes by interpreters are a significant cause of medical errors, a study by a Medical College of Wisconsin doctor suggests.
28 Dicionário de expressões inglesas no português English expressions used in Portuguese
29 Thinking about learning Portuguese? Joshua Rudder introduces you to this language
30 la Lengua Española page de Miguel ángel Monjas Llorente - good dictionary links
31 La Página de los diccionarios españoles Reseñas de setenta diccionarios: de uso, temáticos, etimológicos, de jergas, bilingües..., electrónicos o no.
32 Diccionarios de la Página de la Lengua Española
33 HUGE web of online dictionaries (Robert Beard et al)
34 The French Page. La Page Française. Appalachian State University
35 French language (for English speakers; very useful!)
36 Foreign Language Resources on the Web: excellent links, dozens of languages!
37 Mi pequeño diccionario de palabras mexicanas
38 1000 ways Dictionaries. Mostly in Portuguese, Excellent LINKS
39 termos técnicos de seguros; em inglês, espanhol e português (Insurance terms)
Entomology Glossary: the History Bug (insects! This has nothing to do with medicine.)
41 Kitamakura's Online Glossary Index to read the Japanese Language characters you'll have to first download some software thingie.
42 free Seven-language online Medical Dictionary (Excel format: 7,090 entries) by André Fairchild, translator and terminologist
Word Online General Language Dictionaries & T erm Online Special Language Glossaries
44 Finnish Dictionaries: Kielikone Oy is a Finnish software company that develops and markets dictionaries & machine translation and spell checker software
45 Deutsch/Französisch/Englisch ZERES Wörterbuch Online - English, Spanish, German, Italian & French; we tried several English-German searches but all we ever got each time as a blank, white, useless screenful of nothing... - André
46 glossaries by language and useful links for translators, from Language Automation, Inc.
47 The Largest Glossary Collection of the World by Traduzioni.adesso - English Italian Translations

48 in English>, French, Portuguese (, Spanish (, Latin, Italian, German; even a Zip Code lookup!
49 Usage et bon usage Le Service de la langue française (en Belgique)

50 Great Online Translator from Lexico Publishing Group and
51 a directory of translators, interpreters and translation agencies
52 from Lexico Publishing Group, LLC About
English Dictionary with multilingual search Find It! First, Fast and Free!
54 BrainyDictionary and online dictionary with over 115,000 words to search and study
55 English to Swedish Dictionary,Part A
56 Enlaces interesantes para estudiantes de español 400 diccionarios en 130 idiomas diferentes.

57. Annuaire personnel du Dr Aly Abbara de dictionnaires.

58 DEX online – Dictionare ale limbii române - a completat transpunerea pe internet a DEX '98 (Romanian-English Dictionary)

59 French-Ido Dictionary
German-English-Spanish-Portuguese-Italian and Swedish Dictionary online. you have to first select "Quellsprache" (Source Language) and "Fachgebiet" (sector/subject area), then select one letter of the alphabet to get a list of terms. On my computer ALL of the screens from this group, the Festo Learning Systems are chopped off on the left, with no scroll bar to remedy that.

61 Academic Info Online Dictionaries Includes: English Dictionaries; Foreign Language Dictionaries; Technical Dictionaries & Glossaries

62 Vocabulario de las técnicas publicitarias

63 Scott Sadowsky's List of online dictionaries & glossaries, English & Spanish

64 Dictionnaire commercial français - anglais - allemand - anglais

65 Acronym Finder: The world's largest and most accurate dictionary of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms. Searching over 2,429,000 definitions

66 Colégio Senior Dicionários e Enciclopédias

67 Diccionario de Inglés-Español or Español-Inglés, from the University of Oviedo. Tb hay una "Definición en inglés".

68 Language Reference Guide For Spanish by Wordbank Ltd. A good intro to the Spanish language

69's online dictionary directory - currently has links to over 4,000 bilingual and multilingual dictionaries and glossaries freely available on the Internet

70 Livdict Dictionaries: where geeks go to know (Many different languages) at

71 Academic Info Online Dictionaries: Includes: English Dictionaries; Foreign Language Dictionaries; Technical Dictionaries & Glossaries

72 Wörterbuch Deutsch / Französisch

73 Wörterbuch Englisch / Deutsch

74a Dictionnaire de l'incendie en français, hollandais, allemand et anglais. C'est donc quadrilingue.

74b a quadrilingual glossary of technical terms used in the field of fire protection. Belgian information site in the field of safety and fire protection (in English, French, German and Dutch.

75 Dict-cc - Online-Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch . The English/German vocabulary used by this dictionary stems from three main sources:
The German-English dictionary at TU-Chemnitz with the friendly permission of Frank Richter.
The translation vocabulary of Mr Honey's Business English Dictionary compiled by Winfried Honig.
The input of the dictionary users - the visitors of

76 AGROVOC Thesaurus by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

77 A German-only Technical Dictionary: Alle; amerik; Didaktik; Elektronik; Grundlagen; Hydraulik; Organisation; Pneumaktik Toolteknik

78 WordReference Dictionaries: dozens of free online translation dictionaries: English,Español, Français, Italiano & Português

79 Dicionário KingHost da Lingua Portuguesa - just click on any letter of the alphabet, to browse

80 Translation Tips from professional translator Jill Sommer. Includes Informational Sites and Portals for Translators; Online German/English dictionaries and glossaries; and Online Dictionaries, Glossaries and Translation Resources.

Green diamonds indicate Brazilian pages.

Brasnet in Brazil - mostly in Portuguese

1 General Info about Brazil in English for those who want to know more about Brazil
2 Página de Dicionários em vários idiomas, de Brasil Online (BOL)
3 Detailed statistics on Brazil in English, with data about Brazilian society & economy.
4 Glossário de Termos Parlementares do Estado de Minas Gerais
5 Glossário de Editoração Eletrônica from Takanocursos
from Brazil to the world
6 About the Flag & the National Anthem of Brazil (lyrics in English & Portuguese)

7 The Atril Directory of Translators

Miscellaneous LINKS

A ragged X indicates music lyrics, foreign news media, poetry, literature
André's Beatles lyrics and snippets page
1 Poetry in Portuguese; poesias em português
2 The French daily newspaper Le Monde.. en français, in French
3 Newspapers from Around the World
The French newspaper Le Monde... translated into Portuguese!
5 A newspaper from Porto Alegre, Brazil (in Portuguese).
6 Liens utiles de la Presse Française, la Presse Anglophone, la Presse Portugaise et la Presse Espagnole. Il y a aussi quelques Dictionnaires et Glossaires
7 Macondo: a well-made web site dedicated to Gabriel García Márquez

Links below (red dots) are to genealogical and historical web sites.
Fairchilds & History page, with links A história de alguns antepassados meus dos séculos 17º e 18º. In English only: A Family History page with links to other genealogy sites and to histories of Colorado, of Connecticut and of England.
A Search & browse GEDCOM genealogical data, Thomas Fairchild et al

B Colonial New England History and the Puritans, 17th century
C Quadrirédacteur dictionnaire multilingue juridique de Pierre Lerat. It's an online legal Dictionary in French, English, German and Italian.

Green dots are links to useful Colorado web sites.
Denver Post newspaper articles, resources, classified ads, Denver sites, etc.
Denver CityLink: weather, resources, airlines, attractions.
Inside (Rocky Mountain News)
I'd rather be in Colorado..
Home Page of the main daily newspaper in Denver, Colorado: The Denver Post
study English as a Second Language in Colorado?
Photographs of Rocky Mountain landscapes...
The Colorado Guide..
Outdoor Recreation in Colorado
Fast-changing population of Colorado, 4¼ million & growing: Demographic analysis

Useful Links for Hebrew Language and Translation, from translator David Grossman
Bilingual Hebrew Forum Jewishgroups
Hebrew Translating Forum Jewishgroups
Ivrit Hebrew Forum Jewishgroups

English-Polish dictionary (bidirectional)

- German<->Polish dictionary>/A> (bidirectional)

Below are 2 links to Yahoo Mapping & Map Quest mapping.
Yahoo Free mapping and get driving directions , etc.
MapQuest mapping: maps of any town

thanks, gracias, obrigado, Dankeschön, merci, dankuwel, grazie.

André Fairchild, terminologist & interpreter

‡ Spanish ‡ French ‡ Portuguese ‡ Dutch ‡ English

former member of the semi-useless American Translators Association
Denver, Colorado   USA · ·  telephone 720-855-7XXX

To order a TRILINGUAL or BILINGUAL DICTIONARY, start by clicking HERE to copy, read, and print the Order Form/User License Agreement.
Please have your check made out to Andre Fairchild. As soon as we receive a signed ORDER FORM/User Agreement (on your letterhead), and after your check clears the bank (or we confirm Paypal payment) you will receive the dictionary as an email attachment in Excel, DBF, QuattroPro, Tab-delimited Text, CSV or other format you need (please specify!).


Click HERE to email us now & tell about your need for multilingual DATA.

Estou aberto aos intercâmbios culturais e profissionais com tradutores e intérpretes de vários países...

Along with your payment by check, we request that you copy and print the Order Form/User License Agreement below on your company's letterhead and sign it. Please enclose the signed Order Form/User Agreement along with your payment. A different contract (Corporate User License) and negotiable fees are available for corporate purchasers such as software developers wishing to incorporate our data into their software

André's Medical URL List: Two thousand, eighty biomedical glossaries & medical web sites listed in 23 languages: 862 in English, 300 medical sites in Spanish, 134 in Portuguese and 224 medical sites in French. Hundreds of medical sites in many other languages, too.

If you know of a health-related glossary or medical dictionary site not already listed here, and you would like to see it listed in our Directory, please submit the site to us by email. We still review and list biomedical glossary/dictionary pages for free. Not commercial pages.


"Multilingual Biommedical/Technical Dictionary/Thesaurus®"(MBTD) or Bilingual Biommedical/Technical Dictionary/Thesaurus®"

All rights to copy, reproduce, sell and market this Dictionary/Thesaurus are owned exclusively by André Fairchild. The Purchase Agreement does not grant buyers any intellectual property rights to the Fairchild Dictionary.

By signing the Order Form/User License Agreement, you will acquire an exclusive license to receive the Dictionary by email attachment from André Fairchild and to copy it onto your computer for your own personal and professional use.

You will be free to modify, augment or edit this Dictionary any way you wish, but you may not provide copies of the Dictionary to anyone.

First, copy and paste the Order Form/User License agreement from, print it on your company letterhead and fill it out. Enclose it along with your PayPal reference or your check in U.S. dollars.
Please mail your payment along with the above agreement signed by you, the purchaser, to Andre Fairchild at the Colorado mailing address found on the order form page.

You can click on one of the Paypal icons above to order the dictionary. But you still need to fill out and mail the Order Form.
Click here to see what PayPal offers you. In our opinion, it is worthwhile to sign up for Paypal if you intend to buy and sell on the Internet.

As of July 1, 2007, the English-German and English-Dutch bilingual subsets of the Bioedical-Technical Dictionary/Thesaurus (B-TMTD) include about 30,440 entries in each language.
The French-English subset contains over 30,515 entries in both languages.
Spanish-Portuguese-English, bilingual & trilingual data sets each include at least 30,440 detailed entries in each language.
Our English-Swedish bilingual version contains about 30,440 entries.

or at
feedback is welcome and important: errata, corrections or suggested additions are welcome and most of them will indeed be included in future updates.

La compilaón de un diccionario médico multilingue es una tarea inacabable. Agradezco cualquier corrección, añadido o glosario que me envíen por correo electrónico.


   Into English
   From English

© Ectaco, Inc.
Electronic Dictionary

This web page is updated every week.
Most recent update: May 24, 2007.

Click here to see an English-only list of 9,775 key words taken from a 2004 version. About 35% of the entries, with key words/phrases in English only, a subset taken from the BIG, detailed Multilingual Biommedical/Technical Dictionary/Thesaurus.
♦ ♠

Click here for information and details on methodology, style, bibliography, pricing, software formats, and Excel text formatting of our large Multilingual Biommedical/Technical Dictionary/Thesaurus

American Research - Your online resource for Legal! Legal

André Fairchild makes no warrantees, implied or otherwise, as to the correctness or usefulness of any Bilingual Biomedical Dictionary/Thesaurus®. André Fairchild cannot be held liable for losses resulting from the use of this data, nor in the suitability of this data for any specific purpose. Due to the possibility of error in the translation, and in light of each individual's personal responsibility for the safe and lawful practice of medicine in his or her own setting and jurisdiction, no terms, drugs, practice, procedure or interpretation should be used by any medical personnel without first checking and verifying their accuracy and their subjection to local laws and guidelines or standards for medical practice, policy and procedure.   You must remember that the Multilingual Biomedical/Technical Dictionary/Thesaurus® is a thesaurus with synonyms, near-synonyms, and related terms, and is not intended nor destined to be used as an authoritative medical manual. Author is not liable for any actions, conduct, misconduct, action, communication, negligence, practice or malpractice of any medical personnel in any language.
Although every attempt is made to ensure accuracy and to ensure that material is correct, André Fairchild does not guarantee nor imply the correctness of any of the data being provided in this medical dictionary. Upon purchasing and licensing this data, you agree to use it wisely at your own risk, with limited support from André Fairchild. We give no warranty and accept no responsibility for the accuracy or the completeness of the material. We reserve the right at any time to make changes we deem appropriate.

This web site and its entire contents are for one individual's use only and may not be copied, reproduced, published, uploaded, distributed, downloaded, posted, transmitted, nor networked for multiple users in any way, without André Fairchild's prior written permission. Other legal restrictions may apply even though unstated.

Data sets are for personal use only, not for commercial use nor for resale to others. Permission is limited to nonprofit use of this material provided the source is credited, the original material is not changed, and this notice is included or linked.

No material contained in the Multilingual Biomedical-Technical Dictionary/Thesaurus® may be copied, cached, duplicated, printed or reprinted by any electronic or physical means whatsoever, without the express Written Permission of André Fairchild.

See the Agreement for ordering a Bilingual Biomedical-Technical Dictionary/Thesaurus®

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André Fairchild is also an experienced proofreader/editor of English-language texts. Consultation services available.

Soy terminólogo y también corrector autónomo de documentos en inglés.

Je suis aussi terminologue, correcteur et réviseur de textes en anglais.
  • Click here to see a large SAMPLE of André's Multilingual Biomedical Dictionary/Thesaurus® (in English, German & French only; an older version)

    Click here to see a large SAMPLE of André's Multilingual Biomedical Dictionary/Thesaurus® (in English, German & French only;
    an older version)

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    · See Information above on how to order a

    Trilingual or Multilingual Biomedical/Technical Dictionary/Thesaurus
    The current price is US$80 for a trilingual version, or US$115 for the sextilingual data set, with SIX languages.
    We have been adding Swedish, and 98% of the entries in the main data set currently have Swedish equivalents incorporated.

    Malgré sa taille imposante, ce site est facile à utiliser. Il suffit de savoir chercher avec Ctrl-F.
    Nos dicos trilingues vous donnent des traductions, généralement complétées par des définitions, qui se veulent intelligibles et concises.
    Pour recevoir ce grand dico bopmédical:
    - Vous imprimez notre accord et bon de commande de avec le contrat inclus - Vous l'envoyez dûment complété et signé avec chèque ou confirmation PayPal.
    - Dès réception de votre règlement, nous vous ferons parvenir le produit par email.
    Nous insistons sur le fait que vous vous engagez à ne faire aucune diffusion à caractère public ou à titre privé des informations fournies par ce dictionnaire. Les informations diffusées sur ce site sont destinées aux médecins, pharmaciens, traducteurs et autres professionnels. Les patients qui consultent ce site doivent, le cas échéant, consulter leur médecin traitant ou leur pharmacien.
    Il faut souligner que tous les détails ne peuvent pas être mentionnés ici. Pour certaines informations, nous sommes dépendants de tiers. Les éventuelles erreurs qui nous seraient signalées, seront corrigées le plus rapidement possible.

    Toutes ces données ont été soigneusement vérifiées. Parfois en voyant des sources divergentes, l'auteur a privilégié les plus probables ou ont fait le choix qui leur paraissait s'imposer. Si malgré les précautions et le soin apporté à toutes les vérifications nécessaires, quelques erreurs persistent encore après la composition, elles ne sauraient engager la responsabilité des auteurs qui ne peuvent remplacer, dans un cas donné, l'intervention d'un médecin.
    We subscribe to the HONcode principles of the HON Foundation. Click to verify. We subscribe to the HONcode principles. Verify here.
    Please support this dictionary by buying a subset that will help you. All proceeds will go to the creation of better and broader content.
    "The information provided on this web site is designed to support, not to replace, the relationship that exists between a patient (site visitor) and his/her physician."

    IF THIS WEB PAGE SHOULD EVER DISAPPEAR in the future, or it won't load, please see the near-mirror page at ! or at at

    American Legal Research - Online resources for legal!

    InfoMarex's Panel of Translators

    Translator Employment Directory - employment and other services for freelance linguists and translation agencies.

    Här finns länkar till ordböcker, språksidor och annan information av intresse för översättare.

    Scrub the Web Search Engine Optimization

    InfoMarex's Panel of Translators

    Resources for Medical Translators

    Translation Service or Translation Services Directory.

    Index & Directory of over 2,090 Medical sites, MEDICAL GLOSSARIES, medical dictionaries and online resources: approximately 840 in English, 310 in Spanish, 140 in Portuguese, 234 in French, 145 in German, 117 in Dutch, 106 in Scandinavian languages, 25 in Finnish, and 160 in other languages, trilingual, or multilingual.

    Doctor Tree - Doctor Directory among other things, this site offers a database of over 200,000 doctors, it is a valuable resource for people looking for a doctor or specialist in their own area.

    See LARGE SAMPLE of over 7,080 entries from (an older version of) the Bilingual or Trilingual Biomedical/Technical Dictionary/Thesaurus in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German and/or Dutch at

    See this large subset of the Medical Dictionary/Thesaurus in English, French, Dutch & German at (version of November, 2003)

    If you do decide that you want to order, this is what you'll have to do:

    Copy and print the ORDER FORM ← and User License Agreement from or from
    and fill it out completely to order your bilingual, trilingual ↑ or multilingual biomedical-technical dictionary.

    Mail the form to us immediately at the address indicated therein.

    As soon as we receive your fully completed and signed Order Form/User License Agreement (printed on your letterhead), and after your check clears the bank (using PayPal is much faster and more convenient for most people), you will receive the dictionary you have chosen as an email attachment in Excel format (please specify languages & format on the Order Form.). If the medical word or phrase is not in this dictionary, just notify us and we will look it up for you!  

    Web Directory of Resources, including Medical Reference, Free

    Your submissions are Welcome.

    Thank you.
    André F
    NOTA BENE: Don't patronize spammers. Never buy anything from spammers.
    fever visit web sites that are suggested by spammers. Boycott spammers.

    You do not need to send us anything by FedEx, certified mail, Express Mail or Registered Mail; this costs you more money and only causes delays at this end.   Our time is valuable, and an unnecessary trip to the Post Office to pick up such items is annoying.


    This web site does not accept any advertising.
    All opinions expressed in this web site are those of Andre Fairchild

    This web page is updated every week.
    Most recent update:
    July 1, 2007. Untitled