This is a great little program. I have been working for a few days and am getting 3-5 sign ups each day for both the Cookie Cutter program and the Valid check. That translates into over $100 for CC and referral bonus for Valid check. Not bad for a couple of hours work. Please read on.
If you will just read this letter to the end, it will show you How to get $200-300 in checks and cash stuffed into your mailbox EVERY day!
What you're about to read will stun you with its simplicity and it's power to quickly generate a steady flow of $25 checks into your mailbox.
It's a complete online marketing system... all contained on ONE SINGLE PAGE, and it's called the "COOKIE CUTTER". It's a 3-part system, utilizing a KILLER classified ad... A powerful one-page sales letter, delivered by autoresponder... and a Top quality product.
Let me explain:

1. The Killer Ad.

EVERY profitable marketing program starts here... if your ad works, then you're two thirds of the way home.
And believe me...this one works!
The wording of this powerful little ad creates an almost irresistible desire to click on the link to get the rest of the story. Curiosity, and the desire to make money, are 2 very powerful emotions...which makes this ad pull like crazy!

2. The Letter.

The page you're now reading is both the sales letter and the marketing plan. The simplicity of this program is the secret of its money-making power. You don't have to create any marketing copy. There's no complicated compensation plans to learn or explain to prospects... and no inventory to fuss with. It's brilliant, but a real no-brainer to implement.
Here's how it works...
When people see your little classified ad...curiosity will prompt a good percentage of them to click on the email link to see what it's about. The instant they do, then your autoresponder will deliver this letter into their inbox. Only this time it will be YOUR letter... with YOUR contact information.
It's lightning fast...
The speed at which the "Cookie Cutter" works is amazing!
If your ad comes out in a publication at 12 a.m... you can literally be getting checks faxed or emailed to you by 3 p.m.
Just think about it for a second... if the prospect of INSTANT profit makes your pulse race just a little, then please understand... that's a universal reaction!
The Cookie Cutter is not a money game.
This next point explains why...


In order to keep from being downright illegal, many programs just tack any old excuse for a product onto their money-game. While this may be technically legal, it's not moral. Nor is it a sound business decision.
If your integrity is important to you, then you'll be glad to know that the product you'll be marketing through Cookie Cutter system is access to a top quality training program called " Boot Camp", which is an in-depth training program, created for aspiring , entry-level internet marketers.
The internet represents the greatest marketing oppportunity that has ever existed. But inspite of this fact, over 95% of all those involved in Electronic Marketing never make enough to even pay their expenses.
The reason is simple.
E-Marketing is a profession...but it's practiced mostly by AMATEURS!
"Boot Camp" is just what it sounds like. It's basic training!
It's formatted to take you step-by-step from "wanna-be"  "web-smart marketing professional".
The training is thorough, practical and cumulative...each lesson taking up where the last one left off. And the best part is...while you're getting your own education, you can use the Cookie Cutter to literally make thousands of dollars.
Access to Boot Camp is by enrollment only. And the only way someone can enroll is through a registered associate. The cost to enroll is a one-time $25 outlay, all of which is paid directly to the associate who enrolls you.
Immediately upon receipt of your $25 payment, you will receive access to the training site which contains complete Cookie Cutter marketing instructions...and a wide selection of free marketing tools.
If Cookie Cutter really works...but you DON'T try it, then you could be missing out on something that could revolutionize your future.
On the other hand...
If Cookie Cutter DOESN'T work...then all you're out is $25. About what you'd spend on a night at the movies. Think about it!

If you are still not sure and need some more information send a blank email to

If you're ready to get started...then the link below will take you to my Order Options page...where you can order with a credit card...or by online check.

My Order Option Page

If ordering outside the USA:

Please send a $25 International Money Order to my snail mail address...with "Cookie Cutter" in the memo area.