Diesel powered, Wisconsin Ruggerini engine with panel, 3600 rpm
3KW Gas
3KW gas generator...

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Diesel powered, 120V., 60HZ, 1 phase, 3600 rpm, with Deutz engine, manufactured by Stewart Stevenson, in sound attenuated housing, with complete instrument panel, safety shut downs with red signal lights.
Gas powered, 480 lbs., 40" L x 30" W x 25" H, 120=52 amps, 240=26 amps, 3 phase=17.3 amps, 3600 rpm.

Gas powered, 870 lbs., 57"L x 30"W x 29"H, 120=104 amps, 240=52 amps, 3 phase=34.6 amps, 3600 rpm

Diesel powered, 4 cylinder, White Hercules

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Two 5KW generators on a trailer. 5KW generators are diesel powered, 120V., 60HZ, 1 phase, 3600 rpm, with Deutz engine, manufactured by Stewart Stevenson, in sound attenuated housing, with complete instrument panel, safety shut downs with red signal lights

120 volt = 220 volt
$125. with generator
All generators are subject to change, due to availability
General Jim's Surplus
8810 S. Clare Ave.
Clare, MI 48617
(517) 386-5425 Fax: (517) 386-6042
To place your order click HERE