Bride and Groom Matchmaking

Get your and your life partner's matchmaking. Just fill out this form .

Bride and Groom Matchmaking is a part of Astrology. It is basically matching the horoscopes of two people who are planning to marry. This is done to see if they both will have a pleasant and successful marriage life or not. If the marraige life is not sucessful, then remedies can also be found to improve the marraige life.

This is done by examining both the horoscopes, and looking for 8 basic points (example:- Birth sign) in both the horoscopes. Each of these points are seen, and compared with the partner's horoscope for compatibility. Then a score is allocated for each point. If the point is extremely compatible with the partner's point (example:- compatible birth signs), then a high score will be given for that particular point. If compatibility is bad, then a low score will be given for that point. The scores for each point is added up, to give a total score. The maximum total score possible is 36. The minimum total score required is 18. Any score below this could indicate a problem in the marriage. But this can be solved as I mentioned above.

I would recommend it to those people who are planning to marry. It is best if you would do your matchmaking now. How? Well, just fill out the form below, and you will get your matchmaking done!!!

For prices, click here.

 Your DetailsPartner's Details
First Name
Last Name
Gender Male FemaleMale Female
E-mail address
        DD  MM  YYYY      DD  MM  YYYY
Date of birth
        Hr.   Min   Sec      Hr.   Min   Sec
Birth Time
in 24 hour format
Exact birth time is required
Birth Country
Birth Place
If birth is in a small village or town, please mention nearest major city
It will cost you $40 for Match making. For more details, click here.
Payment method:
Card or account number: 
Expiration date: 

If you have any questions, or comments, please E-mail me.

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