Welcome to my Astrological Website. My name is Lata Thaker, and on this website, I will give you consultations in Astrology, Bride and Groom Matchmaking , Numerology, Birthstones, Vastushastra and Palmistry.

Yes!!! You can unlock the secrets of your future, right through very site! This is the one, and only place where you can accomplish this. And I guarantee you, you won't find as many topics in one site, as many are present here.

OK, now let me give you a brief introduction to all the above mentioned topics.


Astrology basically deals with studying the planet of one's birthchart (horoscope). The results are true, and extremely accurate. I would personally recommend this way, if you need an accurate answer. For more information, and consultation in Astrology, please .


Bride and Groom Matchmaking deals with examining the horoscopes of two people before they are about to marry. This is done to check and see if the married life of the couple will be happy or not. It has a link with astrology . For more information, and consultation in Bride and Groom Matchmaking, please .


Numerology deals with analyzing the birth date, so that characteristics, lucky numbers, etc., of the person can be found. This is recommended if you want to know your general characteristics. For more information, and consultation in Numerology, please .


Certain birthstones can prove to be extremely lucky for a person. Which birthstone is lucky for a particular person depends on his or her horoscope. And believe me, it really works! For more information, and consultation in Birthstones, please .

  Vastushastra (Feng Chui)  

Vastushastra (Sometimes called Feng Chui), is science of placing object and rooms in a house, so that it proves beneficial. Eg: It is best if the kitchen is in the South-East direction. It is useful when planning how to place objects, or building a house. This too has a link with astrology , and lucky directions are determined through the horoscope. For more information, and consultation in Vastushastra, please .


Palmistry includes analyzing the hand, by examining the shape, lines, etc., and then reaching a conclusion. It is useful in finding characteristics, and future of the hand's owner. For more information, and consultation in Palmistry, please .

If you have any questions, or comments, please E-mail me.

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