My Background
I was born in a lively city in Taichung, Taiwan.
I lived in Taichung for 20 years until I enlisted in Army in Tainan.
That was not so fun in the service of military.
However, I had to admit that I learned a lot in the Army.
After the service, well, here I am.
I am now living in the Minnesota in the U.S.A.
All the kids in my family are here except my little sister.
Before we go any further, just in case you ARE my big break, here's
my resume.
My Interests
I guess that the best - and fastest - way to really get to know me
is by discovering what I like. So here goes . . .
I love to swim, ski, and drive.
I like movies - especially good movies.
My Personal Event
There was a special event taking place at the University of Minnesota - which was
a graduation ceremony. Yes.
On June 13 1999, a very outstanding individual, me, was graduated.
Click on it and take a look,
my graduation ceremony.
(If you already missed my ceremony, click and see the moment.)
Links to My Favorite Sites
A personal history: MY RESUME.
My special event: Graduation Ceremony.
A lovely site: Pokemon's Home Page.
A Must-See: The Earthquake in Taiwan.
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