Zack's Photo Page V
Aunt Paula took this of me in Texas flower patch!
Mommy's tulips are pretty!
Daddy gave me a new little red wagon
It's my 1st birthday!
I'm one cool kid for sure
My new red chair matches my outfit
Gramma Rosie's ice cream cone cupcake is yummy!
I can't let my knees touch the itchy grass
I'm in my new toy box from Chris & Mark
Me with G-ma & G-pa T.
Great Grandma came to my party!
I'm a big shot standing with my arms up!
Great Grandma Z loves me (that rhymes!)
Me & April rode in a spaceship!
Tea time with my cous
Aunt Chris took me to visit Mommy at work
I saw a real live Easter bunny with April at the mall!
I'm Zack bunny!
Cousin April reading books to me
Me & April
Aunt Chris gave me a bunny visor
I can stand all by myself now! (age 11 mos.)
At home with my bears
Me laying on the floor with google eyes
I've got a messy face!
G-ma Z got me a suit & tie for Easter
Squinting at Gramps
Double Zack mirror image
Cousin April took me to show & tell at her preschool!
I won 2nd place in cutest baby contest!
Me, Daddy & Mommy 3/10/01
My Family
Messy me eating at G-pa Z's
Me and Cousin Heather
Cool shades man!
I love baths!
Aunt Chris gave me a bath
I'll be walking soon!
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