Zack's Photo Page I
April's holding my hand!
I can hold my head up good for 3 1/2 months huh?
I'm a Backstreet Boy!
This is soooo interesting
I'm smilin' sweet
I'm so shy
Those nails hurt Grandma Z!
Let me stand Auntie Chris!
Grandpa Z loves me
Funny joke Heather
Daddy holding me by a lizard on mommy's birthday
I don't wanna wear my cap
I like to look at the trees
My cousin April is so silly she makes me laugh
Don't bump the water bed April!
Isn't my baseball outfit cute?
Grandma Z caught me laughing but it was shady
This is me on my couch
Cookie Monster is as big as me!
Riding a friend's horse pull toy
Me with Grampa Z
Really Grandpa? I don't believe it!
Daddy's 32nd Birthday
Another silly hat
Heather 14, April 4 & Zack (me) 3 months
3 cousins
Smiling at Silly G-pa Billy
Sleeping with Mommy
Me & Daddy goofin' on the bed
Mom propped me up asleep by my bear
After my bath
In Grandpa Z's truck
I'm a cutie pie!
I'm so happy
Hold on tight April!
Mommy and her sister with me Zackary!
Aunt Paula & Uncle Andy came all the way from Texas to see me!
Me and Auntie Paula
Grandma Rosie, Aunt Paula & Mommy with me
Mommy's family
My 3 aunts Wanda, Paula & Chris
Me and my Dad
Hey Daddy!
These are my cousins Heather & April
Me, Daddy & Mommy at Frank 'N' Stein's
G-pa Billy wants me to wake up--no chance!
Me & Mommy on Mother's Day 2000
One of my first smiles
Look at me--ain't I sweet?
I'm so tiny!
Put me down Dad!
I like this bouncy seat
Guess I'd better get used to this picture thing
I sleep all the time
My outfit is so big I can curl up inside it
Nice to meet you cousin (age 2 days)
WOW, my daddy is big!
Oh my this is cool
You must be my mommy--nice to meet you!
I was just born 4-28-00 and my name is Zackary Zane
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