Chetan and Lakshmi Sankar/ C.S. Murthy

 13B, Ratnammal Street

 Murugesa Nagar, Chennai-600024


                                                                                                February 1, 2009


Award of 2009 Padmavathi Trust Scholarships for

Gifted, Ambitious Students


This scholarship was established in memory of our mother, Mrs. Padmavathi Subramanian (1927-85).  She was a strong believer that education is a means to obtain better jobs, lead a good life, and contribute to society.  The purpose of these awards is to encourage students (from ninth grade to Master's degree) to dream about their future and to pursue those dreams.


We are pleased to announce the Feb. 2009 scholarships:







Arjun P


Vidhya K


Akhila S


Amith B.L.


Athira Sasi P


Bhuvaneswari S


Chaitra R


Naveen M.V.


Poongodi S


Shivraj K.K


Abiirami M


Aravindh S


Deepti Ramesh Angadi


Kannan S


Manasa M.S.


Palani P


Sathya Priya V


Shalini R


Shanmuga Priya V









If you nurture great aspirations similar to these students, we encourage you to apply for next period's scholarships. Please see enclosed the details of the application process.

Padmavathi Scholarships for Gifted, Ambitious Students


Mrs. Padmavathi Subramanian (1927-85) strongly believed that education is a means to obtain better jobs, lead a good life, and make contributions to the society.  She sacrificed significantly so that her children and relatives could obtain high-quality education.  In her memory, for the seventeenth year (1992-2009), the following scholarships are being offered. 


Any student (from ninth grade to Master's degree) is encouraged to apply for the scholarships.  The purpose of these awards it to encourage young students to dream about the future and to pursue those dreams.  Awards will be given in amounts subject to a maximum of Rs. 5,000 per student per year.  These awards are not meant to replace the funds needed to pursue college education and do not substitute your/ your parents’ obligations to take care of educational expenses.    Please do not request us to support payment of the fees and other expenses beyond the amount that is awarded.  The purpose of these awards are to be used as a supplement to buy books, supplies, obtain needed coaching, attend academic meetings, pay partial fees, etc. 


Teachers who encourage their students to apply will also be given significant awards.  In deserving cases, the awards will be continued for the duration the student stays in college.


If you are interested in applying for an award, please send the following information to:

Mr. C.S. Murthy

13B, Rathnammal Street, Murugesa Nagar

Kodambakkam, Chennai-600024


            Complete the enclosed application form and answer the essays.  The applications need to be complete before they will be considered.  Applications that do not address the questions mentioned in the form or those with untruthful statements will be rejected.  Please do not send the applications by registered mail.


Decisions will be made based on your statements and academic credentials.  The quality of essays and the marks you scored are critical in choosing the winners.  The essays must indicate a clear and definite goal in life.  Bright, deserving students will get the awards.  Your parent's income should not limit you from sending the applications, but will be used in determining the amount of the award.  The awards will be announced during January/ June of each year and all applicants will be informed of the decision. 


If you are a gifted student and want to pursue your dreams, take this opportunity to apply for the Padmavathi Scholarships. 


"An imperishable and flawless treasure to a human is learning; other wealth is nothing before it."          

                       Thirukurral, 400


Padmavathi Scholarship Renewal Form



Complete Address and Phone Number


Parents’ annual income




Degree Pursued


Month/Year of Completion of Degree


Name of School/ College


Semester in Degree


Date when semester exam results are published


Date of last exam taken (attach latest mark sheet)


% of marks in last exam


Scholarship amount received last time


Breakdown of how the amount was spent (attach receipts for major items)







All the statements are true to my best of knowledge



Please complete this form fully, attach a current mark sheet, and mail to:

Mr. C.S. Murthi, 13B, Ratnammal Street, Chennai-600024., India 

If you don’t send this form and latest marksheets, no renewals will be made.

Due dates for receipt: November 30th of each year; April 30th of each year

Renewal dates: January and June

Attach a statement answering the following questions within a page:

·        What is your ambition or goal in life?

·        Research and write about a person (scientist, engineer, doctor, teacher, soldier, actor, or others) who has succeeded in the goal that you outlined in the first question?  If need be, meet such a person and write about him/her.

·        How is this scholarship helping you achieve your goal?

Padmavathi Scholarship Application Form



Complete Address and Phone Number


Parents’ annual income




Degree Pursued


Month/ Year of Completion of Degree


Name of School/ College


Semester in Degree


Date when semester exam results are published


Date of last exam taken (attach latest mark sheet)


% of marks in last exam


Extra-Curricular Activities


Social Activities


How did you learn about this scholarship (name of person and relationship)


All the statements are true to my best of knowledge



(2) Attach a statement answering each of the following questions (total length of all answers should be within two pages)

·        What is your ambition or goal in life?

·        Research and write about a person (scientist, engineer, doctor, teacher, soldier, actor, or others) who has succeeded in the goal that you outlined in the first question?  If need be, meet such a person and write about him/her.

·        What have you done in the past to achieve these goals?

·        How do these goals benefit the society?

 (3) Attach a copy of your recent class or college mark sheets/grade sheets.  Other records showing your accomplishments and your commitment to pursue your dreams are also valuable.

(4) Attach a self-addressed card so that the receipt of the application could be acknowledged.


Please complete this form and mail to Mr. C.S. Murthi, 13B, Ratnammal Street, Chennai-600024.  Do not send by registered mail.    Due dates for receipt: November 30th of each year; April 30th of each year