07/2000 Hi everybody,Just came into this world and learning the basic stuff ?!!!

12/2000 Hey ! I think I am learning quite a few things as I am growing. I can laugh, eat food, crawl and get to things,etc. They counted my DIMPLE in 2000 election (Palm Beach Dimple count) Saga.

07/2001 I am one year old now. Days go by so quickly.  As I have learnt walking and running, I am a littler helper to to my dad (turning the TV on/off, getting him remote) and my mom (I help her with dishes!!?).  I break things like before,but new thing is I try to fix them too.
Surya Megha Gowda
Yahoo! Photos
07/2000  eating crying sleeping keeping my parents awake at night!!!!

12/2000 I am a big girl now. Don't bother my parents much at night. I have new hobbies now, like breaking things, making things fall on to floor, creating my web page,etc.

07/2001 I am adding lot more week by week to my list of hobbies. New entries are Dancing (did you see my dance in my party?!!) Singing, Riding Bike and more
Ajjis and Ajjas
Sarojamma and Bandi Gowda                   Akkavva and Rangegowda
Daddy -  Nagaraj  Mommy -  Rashmi
Ajja Ajji         Rangegowda Akkavva
                      Bandi Gowda  Sarojamma
Friends - Check out my friends page.

12/2000 - I have my own circle of new friends now. We often meet (when our parents meet their parents) and try to chat and talk and get to know each other!??

07/2001 I met many new friends at my Birth Day Party.
Daddy and Mommy
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Ajja & Ajji -1
Ajja & Ajji -2
Atte & Mava
My baby photos

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