Brackett School Contruction Costs Overrun Explained
During the construction of the Brackett School there were extra expenses that jacked up the price a tad. See if you can hack your way through the brambles of these various reports to precisely (or accurately) tabulate the Grand Total.
The following info is primarily derived from the School Construction updates that were found in the Advocate, and which are now available on the Town website under "Schools - Construction Progress - 21 Construction Updates". Additional info also comes from various FinCom reports.
August 17, 1998 - $175,000 may be needed for an oil-line leak - unexpected asbestos removal cost $35,000
Sept 14, 1998 FinCom Report - Brackett School - $250,000 for oil leak
September 22, 1998 - $350,000 may be needed
November 5, 1998 - oil tank removed
November 19, 1999 - will seek $450,000 to replenish the project's contingency fund at the December Special Town Meeting
January 8, 1999 - the Special Town Meeting on December ?7, 1998 authorized using up to $450,000 to replenish the contingency fund
February 9, 1999 - new accord ratified between builder committee and ?construction company - 4,000 tons of soil removed - claims from White Company for losses due to construction delays caused by oil cleanup (?????????? UNKNOWN COSTS) - ?63% reimbursement for oil spill cleanup
April 12, 1999 - $200,000 remains in the contingency fund
May 18, 1999 - $186,000 remains in the contingency fund
Nov 5, 1998 - $384,000 in the fund
Dec 7, 1998 - ?$450,000 added to the fund
May 10, 1999 - $186,000 remains in the fund
384 + 450 = 834
834 - 186 = 648
Looks like the oil and asbestos cleanup cost $648,000 (plus any monies given to the builder due to the delays to the project.)
In November 1999 I made a few inquiries into this subject. I got some very strange answers. The first person that I spoke to at the School Department said that the funds from the December 1998 Special Town Meeting had not been transferred to the School Department until November 18, 1999. The second person that I spoke to said that the cleanup had cost exactly $450,000. Then I received a Email note from Chairman Bill Shea of the Permanent Building Committee via Bob Sprague of the School Department saying that the cleanup had cost $495,000. The builder had initially requested $450,000 for the cleanup but later agreed to take $350,000. Bill Shea also said that the full appropriation from the Dec 1998 Special Town Meeting (STM) was available as soon as it was passed by the STM.
So the big picture looks like this - the cleanup cost $495,000 and caused the contractor untold losses in delays. But since the contractors were such nice people, they only took $350,000 for their troubles.
So where is the other $484,000? (384 + 450 - 350 = 484) And why are the contractors such nice people? Could it have anything to do with the noise problem, the leaks, or the peeling gymn floor at the brand new school?
I have to check my notes, but I think that the last news that I heard was that the town Attorney still has 2 change orders sitting on his desk relating to this oil spill. Apparently, not all of the dust has settled yet. April 2000
I took one accounting class in college. I don't recall it being this much fun.