Here you will find just the best encoders
which will help you encode the ripped
.vobs to hi quality mpeg or avi formats.
1:)FlasK Mpeg (Current Version 0.563) MPEG & AVI
2:)Re Mpeg2 (Current Version 1.4.3) MPEG
3:)Panasonic Mpeg Encoder Plugin Or Standalone (CurrentVersion2.1) MPEG
4:)DVD2MPG Squeezer (Current Version 1.16) MPV-MPA
This is a gui for AC3DEC and MPEG2AVI.
Very usefull for non experienced users.
U S E F U L L T I P S & T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G
1:)Most important is that both FlasK and DVD2MPG need Panasonic Mpgeg Encoder installed.
FlasK needs Panasonics cm-mpeg-pwi2.0e.prm file to be renamed to FlasKMPEGpeasopeich.dll
and copied to FlasKs dir.It doesn't matter if you use Plugin or Standalone but the version better be 2.1.
2:)ReMpeg2 is an encoding program that can operate without installing plugins or something. Just rip
the .vobs and encode but the most important thing is to have at least 2gigs of free space when encoding.
3:)If you arent satisfied form your encoders performance (speed) then try
a:)Reducing GOP sequence to 15-15-1 or 15-15-3 which of cource reduces quality but encodes faster. b:)Use nearest neighboorhood filter which also speeds up dramatically encoding reducing quality of course.
c:)Select no interpolation at DVD2MPG squeezer.
d:)Set video video rate between 1200-1600kbits and audio preffered to match source or 64kbits
because at these rates I achieved fastest encoding in my PC.
4:)To achieve DVD2MPG Squeezer to work you should install Panasonic's Premiere Plugin to
the folder where you installed the program.It is highly required for your graphics card to have
hardware overlay support (Some MATROX Cards Dont Have) or you will never achieve to use
the program.You will need a multiplexer to multiplex the video and audio files you will get.Mostly
Xing's Mpeg encoder is prefferred for this job.
5:)Because of the difficulty which should face many users using Mpeg2avi & Ac3decode
I present all these together as a good solution to create an .avi form a .vob and extract the