

They call
to the calm before speculations
In the state they have registered 175 earthquakes
in so far in the year, where one has an average of a daily tremor: UEPC
director of the UEPC, Héctor González Hernández, rejected definitive that
studies exist or scientific in the world that you can assure today, tomorrow
or in 10 years the occurrence of a great earthquake, since the telluric
movements are impredecibles, for what exhorted to the population oaxaqueña
to maintain the calm before the series of speculations.
After meeting with the director and general manager of THE IMPARTIAL one,
Benjamín Fernández Pichardo, the official specified that they exist some
hypotheses that in Warrior's costs and Oaxaca there are places where he
has not registered a great earthquake more than for 30 years and conform
it advances the time it exists the probability that it happens according
to the experts.
Nevertheless, there are not tip technology neither superhuman power since
in the universe that can sustain the occurrence of a great earthquake,
in any moment it can happen a telluric movement of low, medium or of more
magnitude in any part of the country, mainly the states of more reception
of seismic waves as Oaxaca and Warrior.
is already a reality the Regional University of the Sierra Sur
They begin classes 150 students; Licentiate
in Municipal Administration, Infirmary and Agroindustries, the careers
In 6 days more the Regional University of the Sierra Sur will be inaugurated
(USSR) with headquarters in Miahuatlán of Porfirio Díaz. In that same
date they will already begin classes 150 students inscribed in the careers:
Licentiate in Municipal Administration, Infirmary and professional Technician
in agroindustries.
leave to UNITED STATES 400 thousand oaxaqueños
They send 5 thousand million pesos every
four hundred thousand oaxaqueños emigrates every year to the states of
the North of the country with the intensión of entering to the American
Union in employment search. Only in the bus payment or airplane, the migrant
oaxaqueños erogan something like that as two hundred million pesos and
once they are able to be placed in some work they send their relatives
not very more or less every year 500 million dollars that mean foreign
currencies for four thousand five hundred million pesos to the current
change. But the American dream has a high cost: in 1999 it charged the
life to 54 migrants and in the last nine months of this year 59 “laborers”
they have died in their intentona from crossing the border line.
intend that the Sedesol is state
There is hole in local dependences with
the social responsibilities of the federal instance: Cuéllar Aguilera
From their analysis, Miguel Angel Cuéllar Aguilera considers that the
Secretary of Social Development (Sedesol) in his current expression he
should transform so that the states assume the responsibilities that the
government (federal) he has through that dependence. Concretely, Cuéllar
Aguilera outlines that in the states the Secretary of Social Development
is believed because in the case of Oaxaca, for example, a dependence doesn't
exist with the social responsibilities that it executes that instance
created by the governments federal priístas to work rather as the electoral
urges to rescue the culture
One has to design a program of integral
character in which is qualified the artisans, products of popular art
they are marketed and spread, foment and give to know the languages, habits
and indigenous customs: Rodolfo Becerril
The globalization makes obligatory and urgent to foment the national identity
to avoid that he disappears amid transactions that cross the frontiers
to a surprising speed, it pointed out yesterday Rodolfo Becerril Straffon,
advisory of the organizations of the United Nations for the Education,
the Science and the Culture (Unesco) and of American States (OAS).
«In the measure in that a culture is isolated the risk he runs of losing
force and it is necessary, like Carlos Fuentes says, to be very Mexican
to be able to be profitably universal and to have transcendency that allows
us to survive», it indicated. For it, he explained, one has to design
a program of integral character in which is qualified the artisans, products
of popular art they are marketed and spread, foment and give to know the
languages, habits and indigenous customs.
In turn, the general director of the Interamerican Indigenist Institute,
José Of the White Val, considered today that is necessary to finish with
the inequality and simulation in the cultural politicians to analyze with
seriousness many aspects of that item.
After the inauguration of the Colloquy of Popular Cultures organized by
the Instituto Oaxaqueño of the Cultures (IOC), he said that it is necessary
to face the real and true problems that it faces the contemporary Mexican
the rains I
solated 20 populations
urge the Government to maintain the prealerta in the whole entity
The rains of the last days they have caused that at least a score of towns
is isolated by the deslave of hills in the Sierra Sur, and the area Mixe.
The efforts of the inhabitants to retire the brashes have been useless
because the collapses are impressive, mainly in the region of the Mixes.
The Secretary of Civic Protection has requested the support of heavy machinery
of Roads and Aeropistas of Oaxaca (CAO), as well as the Secretary of Communications
and Transports (SCT) to solve the problems to the possible brevity. One
of the main ones collapses it locates in the highway from San Pedro Coatlán
to San Baltasar Loxicha, where tons of stone and mud obstruct the circulation.
is ancestral the I leave behind educational
Analysis of the Section 22 points out that
in the current sexenio he/she put on in risk the public and gratuitous
A more SEXENIO arrives to its end and in Oaxaca there are not substantial
improvements in the educational item. In fact, the one leaves behind that
it affects to the entity for 20 years it grows day with day, harming with
it to those more than a million students of basic level that there is
in the state.
According to an analysis carried out by the Section 22 of the National
Union of Workers of the Education (SNTE), during the period of Ernesto
Zedillo Ponce from León there not only were not significant advances in
this matter, but rather he put on in risk the public and gratuitous education.
stop to exdelegado of the PGR in Oaxaca
There is in its against four orders of
apprehension for the extortion crimes, it tortures, abuse of authority,
bribe and graft
Federal agents stopped in Tizayuca, Hidalgo to the former delegate of
the PGR in Oaxaca, Virgilio Ojeda Osorio, against the one who four orders
of apprehension existed for federal crimes as extortion, bribe and abuse
of authority, among others.
Ojeda Osorio was transferred just yesterday to the prison of Etla where
was to a federal judge's disposition that has begun him a trial.
The arrest of the exdelegado happened last weekend and yesterday it was
transferred Oaxaca where today will surrender preparatory declaration.
Ojeda Osorio escaped last day 3 of April, when having knowledge that was
investigated by a group of federal agents.
When escaping the today former-delegate he stole of the State Delegation
a cellular telephone and the vehicle that he had under their receipt.
requests the Church the Article 130 it is reformed
"Their evangelical task should be taken
more into account": Archbishop Héctor González M.
The Diocesan Archbishop of Oaxaca, Héctor González Martínez, considered
that the Article 130 of the Mexican Political Constitution has to be reformed
by the Congress of the Union to give bigger participation margin to the
Church, in this case to the Catholic, it stops this way to recognize this
way more its paper and its Evangelical doctrine in the society.
"Hopefully the morals of the Catholic Church was kept more for example
in mind in the business, in the economy, in the culture, in the same politics!
I believe that he would transform our atmosphere more quickly", the Archbishop
said to expressed question, in the mark of the native parties.
call to combat the inequality
Youth Oaxaqueña, Antonio Amaro Cancino,
emphasized that the liberal fight won't have concluded
while marginación conditions and extreme poverty exist, because the unjust
distribution of the reflective wealth an unjust distribution of the freedom,
exposed. For it, it summoned to continue lifting the banner of the freedom
and to strengthen and to preserve the sovereignty, to recognize the movements
that gave patriotic life to Mexico and to raise the watch to continue
the march for Oaxaca that is the most arduous challenge in the graduated
José Murat's government. To name of the three Powers of the State, the
state official who fungió like official speaker in this act, after making
a remembranza of the liberal geste of 1810, remembered that oaxaqueños
of those times didn't go unaware to that fight, but rather they also seconded
the movement impelled by Don Miguel Hidalgo and Rib.
begin the Week of Civil Protection
With mockeries and conferences foment culture
of prevention of risks in the population
To foment the culture of prevention and to help to minimize the risks
in the population, the State government, he will take place starting from
today the Cultural Week on Civil Protection in the auditory of the Central
Library of the Autonomous University Benito Juárez" (UABJO) of Oaxaca
in University City.
The State Unit of Civil Protection (UEPC), he informed that this event
was organized as part of the activities of the First National Day of Mockeries
for the Prevention of Objective Risks.
doesn't pass the Electoral Reformation
He will have to wait until it concludes
the electoral process of next year
Amid political representatives' protests that demand the electoral reformation,
yesterday afternoon they took turns two more initiatives, to the local
One of the New Left, a political grouping of recent formation, and one
more than women's organizations.
However, this afternoon it conquers the term so that the commissions in
charge of analyzing the initiatives revise and approve or desaprueben
the petitions of the political parties and social organizations.
With it, the Reformation to the State Electoral Law of Oaxaca will have
to await until the electoral process that the entity will live in August
and October of the year 2001 concludes.
don't fit the Injustices: José Murat
The main enemy, the poverty, and in their
combat they should unite all the forces. he said
After presiding over the civic ceremony and the session of municipal Town
council of the City of Oaxaca of Juárez, with reason of the Native Parties,
governor José Murat Casab rejected that President Ernesto Zedillo's social
politics to knock down the poverty in Oaxaca, have failed.
He explained: "I don't agree with that.
To knock down the I leave behind and the poverty is not of one day for
other, on the contrary
I said that it congratulated President Zedillo's work because it had begun
the fight against the poverty and the marginación."
decree alert for rains
The Tropical Wave 37 could become hurricane: UEPC
The State Unit of Civil Protection (UEPC), it decreed state of alert before
the wave tropical number 37, which could become hurricane, and with it
to cause intense rains and floods in the Isthmus, Cuenca of Papaloapan
and Costa oaxaqueña.
As long as the National Meteorological Service (SMN) it predicted that
the affluence of humid air of the Océano Pacífico, Gulf of Mexico and
the Caribbean Sea will cause cloudy with strong rains in Chiapas, Warrior,
Jalisco, Oaxaca and Tabasco.
In this respect, Héctor González Hernández, regular of the UEPC he said
that the tropical wave 37 will affect to the Gulf of Mexico and Océano
Pacífico, when fracturing in the peninsula of Yucatan.