5/11/00  If you're still thinking of voting for Lloyd Perkins in the May 22 primary, please read the following letter from former Recording Secretary Dean Matzen:

          First let me say that your web site contains a lot of great ideas and insight. I often hoped
          that our officers would learn to listen because our members often have the best solutions
          to our problems. Hopefully with the ousting of King Perkins the members of Local 998
          will again get back to having a union of proactive, protective, responsive and
          progressive representation.

          Just to clarify the circumstances of my leave of absence and my resignation, the decision
          to do so and the manner in which it was done was my own choice. The King had fenced
          me out of any meaningful involvement in the process of representing our members or
          continuing to provide grievance research and even editing "the 998 Express" along with
          the fact that my health had deteriorated (I am feeling much better).

          The funny thing is that since my leaving none of the grievance research is being
          continued, the 998 Express has become a pitiful representation of its former self and our
          union hierarchy has grown more distant from its members. The platform of the King is
          centered on self aggrandizement and ego massaging instead of building a strong
          organization, credible to its members that would be effective in defending our rights,
          bargaining good contracts, educating its members, building for the future and serving its

          I took the leave to save the membership the expense (thousands of dollars) to hold a
          special election. What happened after my resignation was up to the Executive Board. I
          believed in representing people, protecting rights, improving working conditions and
          bargaining good contracts. I did not believe in organizing properties just for the sake of
          organizing properties, especially when there is a lot to do with the properties and people
          we already represent. Let the International organize the non urban transit properties.

          Of course that doesn't put a feather in the President's cap, or the Labor Councils'. It
          doesn't add to the President's resume. I have talked with many members and their need
          to have a union they can feel a part of, that represents their rights and plans for the
          future while being ethically and fiscally responsible and that listens to them. At the very
          least the union must afford their membership a chance to be heard.

          Ever seen the King's office. He threatened to hold up actions by the Board unless he got
          that office furniture and remodeling. That's right. He held up your representatives from
          doing business so he could get his fancy office.

          And after caucusing at contract negotiations to make sure that everyone would not tell
          the Company our bottom line on wage increases he told the Company what our bottom
          line was, to the percentage point.

          As of this writing there will be several candidates for President and some of the other
          offices. Please choose your candidate carefully. Know who the candidates are and what
          they stand for. Make sure they have the experience and the track record to be your
          representative. If you don't know find out. And when you know, get others to vote for
          who will bring credibility and responsibility back to Local 998.

                              In Solidarity,
                              Former Local 998 Recording Secretary,
                              Dean Matzen.
We showed this letter to several members of the 998 Executive committee and they confirmed it to be accurate.  Ask yourself, can we afford to have Lloyd Perkins blow another contract?  When your primary ballot arrives in your mailbox, please fill it out and return it immediately.  We ask that you unite with us in our support of KEITH NELSON.  Keith has enjoyed a ground swell of support from all MCTS properties in the last two weeks;  and for good reason, he is the most qualified of all the candidates.  To defeat Lloyd Perkins we must unite behind KEITH NELSON;  please don't waste your precious vote.


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