The Skimmer Valve Company 2001 Ltd
NZ: 109 Park Ave, Whangamata, 2982.  PH: (64) 7 8659015  FAX: (64) 7 8659844
AUS: PH: (61) 3 97523943  FAX: (61) 3 97523958
The Answer to your flow
problems in Hoppers, Silos
Welcome to The Skimmer Valve Company 2001 Ltd
We are an engineering firm that specialises in flow problems and the creator of the Skimmer Valve. A unique fluidising valve that solves ALL your product flow needs. Visit our specialised pages detailing why you will benefit from using this valve.


The Skimmer Valve solves flow problems by mixing compressed air with the     product in a unique way that makes the product flow like a fluid. The skimmer has more     benefits than just moving your product. By controlling the air you control your product     flow and so control your production. By controlling the air pressure and the pulsing you     can tune the skimmer to fluidise a wide variety of materials, with the minimum amount of     air. Some of the products that have been successfully fluidised are: Blood meal     fertiliser, ground phosphate rock, bran, casein, plaster of Paris, cement, coal, coffee     grounds, starch, granulated herbicide, talc, and milk powders; skim, agglomerated whole     milks, baby food, as well as cheese and ice cream powders.

         Stops clinging in bins. When your product doesn't hold up you increase your production         time.
Packing Machines

The skimmer valve will give you consistent density so you can increase the speed and accuracy of your packing machine while increasing the range of products they can handle. You save money by giving away less product as overweights.

You need control, starting from the hopper to run an automated production     smoothly and efficiently.
Screw Conveyers
The skimmer takes the load off screw conveyors particularly on start up,     there is no need to empty the product out at every stoppage. There will be less breakdown     of the product as it moves freely when fluidised and will not be sheared by the conveyor

Easy Installation
A supplied socket is simply welded onto an existing vessel, the centre removed, and the skimmer is screwed through the socket until the bottom of the seat lies flush with the internal wall surface. The whole operation is done from outside the vessel.
Silent and Hygienic
The skimming outlet is always pressurised even when it is closed, so     product cannot contaminate the valve. The working parts in contact with the product are     stainless steel.
Trouble Free Operation
The knife edge seat of the skimmer valve seat prevents the clinging of     product and as the valve closes against pressure, the action against the seat is     cushioned.
Minimum Maintenance
As the Valve travels only 1.2mm the 'O' rings do not move, they only roll. The 'O' rings are standard sizes, in nitrile for long life and easy replacement.

The skimmer is operated mechanically by compressed air. When it is open it radiates a 360 degree skim of air along the wall of the vessel. This creates a suction over the head of the valve which pulls the product into the skimming air, and mixes the product with the air. Because the particles of product are no longer held firmly by gravity and each other, they are now free to move in the air and will respond by flowing like a fluid. By controlling the air you control the product. In products with different size particles or with included fines, mixing is enhanced by the unique action of the skimmer.
Rotary Valves

When the vanes in a rotary valve come around they are not empty they are     full of air. This air sits in a pocket holding up the product above the valve. The skimmer     mixes the air with the product
     to solve this problem giving a
     consistent and increased flow rate.
Spreader plate

To increase the flow from a hopper with a spreader plate inside, a skimmer     can be installed in the centre of the plate. These are supplied as specials machined to     skim at the required angle.
Dense Phases or
     Pneumatic Transporters

Energy costs can be dramatically reduced by fluidising the product
     before transporting. Fragile products like agglomerated wholemilk powders can then be     transported without breakdown.
Controlling the Skimmer Valves
A         simple air circuit is necessary. This can be controlled manually, by an electronic timer,         or by a programmable controller.
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     Copyright © 1990-2002 The Skimmer Valve Company 2001 Ltd. All rights reserved.
     Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
     Other products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of     their respective companies or mark holders.
     Last modified: April 25, 1999
New Zealand Patent No 207993 European Patent No 0160281 USA Patent No 4739964
Australian Patent No 582742
Federal Judge upholds The Skimmer Valve patent in Australia