Zoot's Mall of Media

My own "virtual" mall

Hello, and welcome to my "virtual" mall! Here you will find books related to entertainment and WebTV™; a list of some of my favorite movies you can buy; plus "normal" books in the mystery, suspence, thriller, sci-fi, fantasy and horror genres. I hope you find something here that you like... and if you do, all you have to do is click on the title to order it from me (through amazon.com, of course!) by following the instructions (Don't worry... you have the chance to remove any item from your "list" before you "check out" if you don't like the price!). If you have any questions, you can go to Amazon.com to get more information.

[Notes: 1) Prices listed on my pages may be incorrect due to amazon.com changing the price. The current price can always be found by clicking on ORDER!. 2) All items listed are either part of my personal library, or are on my "wish list".]

E-mail: Zoot@CyberDude.com

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