Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International
The Bridge Between Civil and Criminal Law©SM

Preventing and defending lawsuits top the list as proven measures for controlling business losses. Workplace compliance has never before been more important to every kind of business entity. Workplace Criminalistics uses the science of crime detection in both civil and criminal law, but does not require a presentment to a court of law. However, crime detection in anticipation of litigation can be used in a civil court of law, presented to the prosecuting authority in criminal law and for defense in both civil and criminal law. Workplace Criminalistics rises above conscious or unconscious bias by combining an employee injury program with THE TRIANGLE WORKPLACE©SM. Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International provides speeches, training, seminars and workshops in THE TRIANGLE WORKPLACE©SM.

Hans Gross, the Nestor of Criminalistics, believed a criminalist should not only be familiar with the implements of crime, but with the mind and soul of crime, knowing criminals as they know themselves. "In the interpretation of the evidence, the criminalist employs experts, when he can; but he is the commander of the expert, not his subordinate. He must know what are the limits of an expert's knowledge, what questions may be legitimately put and what answers may be expected, and how the questions should be framed. He must have learned how to tap all the resources of modern science. The physician, the chemist, the bacteriologist, the mineralogist, the toxicologist, all may be called on to throw light on a crime." (McClure's, 1914).

"In a certain sense, a large part of the criminalist's work is nothing more than a battle against lies. He has to discover the truth and must fight the opposite. Utterly to vanquish the lie, particularly in our work, is of course, impossible, and to describe its nature exhaustively is to write the natural history of mankind." (Criminal Psychology, 1898). The agreeable is what GRATIFIES a man; the beautiful what simply PLEASES him; the good what is ESTEEMED (approved) i.e., that on which he sets an objective worth. (Critique of Judgment, 1790). The mere recording of details is in itself sometimes sufficient to reveal what in Criminalistics is called the "error in the situation" -- that inconsidered trifle which betrays because it was a monumental blunder. (McClure's, 1914). Therefore, there is only one categorical imperative, namely this: act only on a maxim by which you can will that it, at the same time, should become a general law ... the general imperative duty may be expressed thus: act as if the maxim of your action were to become by your will a general law of nature. (Metaphysical Foundations of Morals, 1785). "Consciousness, no matter how extensive it may be, must always remain the smaller circle within the greater circle of the unconscious, an island surrounded by the sea, and like the sea itself, the unconscious yields an endless and self-replenishing abundance of living creatures, a wealth beyond our fathoming. We may long have known the meaning, effects, and characteristics of the unconscious contents without ever having fathomed their depths and potentialities, for they are capable of infinite variation and can never be depotentiated! The only way to get at them in practice is to try to attain a conscious attitude which allows the unconscious to cooperate instead of being driven into opposition." (Psychology of Transference, 1946). "To lie habitually, as a way of life, is to lose contact with the unconscious. It is like take sleeping pills which confer sleep but blot out dreaming. The unconscious wants truth. It ceases to speak to those who want something more than truth." (On lies, secrets, and silence, 1975).

These philosophies and teachings of Hans Gross, Carl Jung and Immanuel Kant form the foundation of Workplace Criminalistics. The term "Criminalistics" comprises three fields of science: (1) the phenomenology of crime; (2) police science; and (3) criminal psychology. Workplace Criminalistics benefits not only criminal law, but civil law; and hence, forms The Bridge Between Civil and Criminal Law©SM. Crime, while prosecuted in criminal law, occurs every day in civil law. Employers not only face administrative and civil monetary damages, but also possible criminal prosecution. Employees not only face disciplinary issues and retaliation, but also occupational death and workplace violence. Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International promotes its mission of Protecting the Workplace for All Employers and Employees©SM by creating THE TRIANGLE WORKPLACE©SM.

Each month, Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International features current research, case studies and information relating to its services and consultations. To be added to our mailing list for WCDI Defense, to receive information and rates for THE TRIANGLE WORKPLACE©SM or to receive a FREE WCDI PATCH, please send an email to with your name, address and type of request. Copies of Articles, Publications and Convention Presentations can be ordered by mail from The Wright Word Publishing, C/O Lynzy Wright, EJD, P. O. Box 301288, Austin, Texas 78703-0022, by sending a written request providing the following information along with $2.00: (1) name; (2) mailing address; (3) type of request; and (4) whether you would like to be added to our mailing list for a FREE one-year subscription to WCDI Defense.

Information for death investigations follows. You can reach us in Houston at (713) 574-6494 and in Austin at (512) 879-8972 to discuss any of our services.

Death investigations arise in both civil law and criminal law as a result of occupational death, natural death, accidental death, workplace violence, suicide and/or homicide on workplace premises or in the performance of job-related duties. PREVENTION IS PARAMOUNT. "A man, while reduced to despair by a series of misfortunes and feeling wearied of life, is still so far in possession of his reason that he can ask himself whether it would not be contrary to his duty to himself to take his own life. Now he inquires whether the maxim of his action could become a general law of nature. His maxim is: Out of self-love, I consider it a principle to shorten my life when continuing it is likely to bring more misfortune than satisfaction. The question then simply is whether this principle of self-love could become a general law of nature. Now we see at once that a system of nature, whose law would be to destroy life by the very feeling designed to compel the maintenance of life, would contradict itself and therefore could not exist as a system of nature; hence, that maxim cannot possibly be a general law of nature and, consequently, it would be wholly inconsistent with the supreme principle of all duty." (Metaphysical Foundations of Morals, 1785).

Natural death and occupational death might be combined together such as an employee who falls to his death after suffering a heart attack. Homicide and occupational death could be combined such as an employee who is murdered at a fast food restaurant. Accidental death and occupational death could even be combined such as an employee who dies in an explosive crash. Occupational death and domestic violence could also be combined such as an employee who dies at the hands of an intimate partner at the workplace and the intimate partner then kills him/herself. Additionally, in situations where the cause of death remains disputed and/or law enforcement has officially closed a death case, Workplace Criminalistics acts as a death consultation by conducting a Homicide Evaluation©SM or Suicide Evaluation©SM. Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International provides Homicide Evaluation©SM or Suicide Evaluation©SM services on a case-by-case basis. Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International continues to conduct research relating to homicide and suicide. Watch for future information concerning our new book that contains research on "fetal filicide", a new component of parental filicide. We have also expanded our services to include juvenile justice due to the failings of the Texas Youth Commission as discussed in our Public Comment concerning Youth Rights at The Fallacies of TYC Youth Rights and TYC Rewards Employee's Reporting of Youth Rights Violations with Termination. We also encourage you to view a sampling of our research relating to parental filicide at Death Times Three--A Case Study in Anxiety and Homicide with Suicide, and Parental Filicide: Where Do We Go From HereĀ© and A Threshold Model for Parental Filicide with Suicide, suicide at The Pathoformic Lie and Pseudologia Fantastica in Suicide, and Bathtubs, Beauty and Clothes as They Relate to Suicide and college campus suicides at Jeanne Clery and Campus Suicide. Our research also continues into the phenomenology of crime, crime patterns, crime statistics and areas of crime as they relate to criminal psychology and police science.


While we are experts in civil and criminal law with special emphasis in employment law, corporate criminal liability compliance, occupational death, workplace violence, domestic violence, homicide and suicide, we are LEGAL CRIMINALISTS and CONSULTING EXPERTS ONLY and, therefore, cannot provide legal advice nor legal representation. States typically define "representative of the client" and "consulting expert" in their rules of civil procedure. As stated in Rule 503 of the Texas Rules of Evidence, "a 'representative of the client' is (i) a person having authority to obtain professional legal services, or to act on advice thereby rendered, on behalf of the client or (ii) any other person who, for the purpose of effectuating legal representation for the client, makes or receives a confidential communication while acting in the scope of employment for the client." As stated in Rule 192.7(d) of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, "a consulting expert is an expert who has been consulted, retained or specially employed by a party in anticipation of litigation or in preparation for trial, but who is not a testifying expert." Most of our casework comes from attorneys needing assistance in determining whether to accept a case, in winning cases for their clients; corporations and businesses needing loss control, corporate criminal liability compliance, crisis management and employment law assistance; and individuals needing assistance in obtaining information in reviewing homicide and suicide cases with police departments. We thankfully encourage recommendation of our services to the attorney of your choosing; for businesses and corporations through their in-house or corporate counsel; and law firms through their legal administrator, managing partner and/or training coordinator.

Attorneys and law firms often face pre-trial, trial and post-trial phases of litigation unprepared due to the passage of time before suit is filed or by the lack of experienced, seasoned, trial manpower to handle the rigors of investigative expertise, police savvy, pre-trial and post-trial discovery, trial preparation and trial. Each of these factors, together or alone, severely impede the chances of winning a client's case. Utilizing a CONSULTING EXPERT increases a client's chances of winning by providing the attorney with exceptional legal and trial expertise in anticipation of litigation and in preparation for trial. Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International provides case management services during the entire litigation process as well as trial preparation and attendance at trial. We also provide in-house training to law firms and corporations needing on-site training for their staff in every aspect of the litigation process customized for specific state and federal concerns. As an additional service, Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International provides its clients the services of skip tracer and process server for hard-to-locate persons who suspect that someone is looking for them.

Corporations and businesses face never-ending financial and legal exposure. One aspect of The Triangle Workplace©SM created and designed by Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International involves Diffusing the Workplace©SM. This is extremely beneficial in handling internal employee complaints, in anticipation of litigation claims and crisis management in the event of threat of or crisis in the workplace. Corporate criminal liability compliance statutes continue to act as punishment, adequate deterrence and as INCENTIVES for business organizations to maintain internal mechanisms for preventing, detecting and reporting criminal conduct.Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International conducts workplace compliance audits for businesses and corporations needing corporate criminal liability compliance program expertise and guidance. Additionally, Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International designs and implements custom compliance programs for businesses and corporations on a case-by-case basis.

Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International envisions corporate compliance that incorporates worldwide social consciousness of employees with the need for profits of executives. This WORLD VISION COMPLIANCE©SM rewards those corporations that support worldwide social consciousness of their employees, not through mindless donations to less-than-stellar social causes that piggyback as illegal bribes, but corporations that effectuate "actual social change programs" to make the world a better place. How can this WORLD VISION COMPLIANCE©SM transpire into the organizational sentencing guidelines that discourage criminal conduct by organizations? By making "actual social change programs" as the eighth key criteria for establishing an "effective compliance program".

Can the typical corporate executive that drives a Lamborghini relate to what it is like to starve on a daily basis, to live without adequate medical care and to live in fear of dying due to war, poverty and the like. Probably not, but the typical corporate executive of a corporation has the power and influence to make the world a better place however that transpires to its employees through "actual social change programs". This higher plain of social awareness breeds the much-needed INTRINSIC MOTIVATION necessary for employers and employees to rise above ethical and moral calamities that precede criminal activity and, yet, foster the innovation, growth and profits necessary for corporations to flourish. As Barrancotto, C. (2000) examined in The Creative Academic, citing Teresa Amabile's Intrinsic Motivation Principle of Creativity, INTRINSIC MOTIVATION is the motivation to engage in a task primarily for the sake of task engagement as it is interesting and/or challenging. CHALLENGE YOUR EMPLOYEES TODAY.


For further information, to request our services or to be added to our mailing list for a FREE one-year subscription to WCDI Defense, please feel free to contact us by mail.


Loss Control
Occupational Death
Workplace Violence
Pre-Acceptance Case Evaluation©SM
Case Management
Legal Due Diligence
Contracts Management Systems©SM
Collections Management Systems©SM
Trial Preparation/Trial
Post-Trial Strategy
Private Process
Skip Tracing
Employment Training and Seminars


Threat Assessment
Crisis Management
Crisis Safe Workplace Locations©SM
Autopsy Review
In Anticipation of Litigation
Sexual Harassment Appropriate Remedial Action
Corporate Criminal Liability Compliance
Statutory Healthcare Clinical Ethics Review
Mitigating Damages/Criminal Sentencing
Federal Sentencing Guidelines
Suicide/Homicide Evaluation©SM
Quiet Observation Security©SM
Police Liaison
Juvenile Justice Advocate


American Association for Justice
American Association of Suicidology
National Legal Aid & Defender Association
Society for Police and Criminal Psychology
State Bar of Texas


Burglary Investigation of Pawnshop
Homicide at Fast Food Restaurant
Occupational Death At Oil Rig
Recovery of Stolen Computer Equipment
Undercover in Automotive Plant
Internal Investigation of Chemical Plant Bomb Threat
Traffic Death with On-Call Employee
Occupational Death in Tanker Explosion
Gunshot Wound in Suicide
Internal Investigation of Will-Call Procedures
Due Diligence for Oil & Gas Company Acquisition
Appropriate Remedial Action in Sexual Harassment
Recovery of Stolen Magnum Trailer
Mystery Shopper at Retail Locations


Homicide Masquerading as Suicide, American Association of Suicidology (2009).
One Sentence Away from Criminal Prosecution, Society for Police and Criminal Psychology Convention (2006).
The Triangle Workplace: Protecting the Workplace for All Employers and Employees, Austin and Houston, TX. The Wright Word Publishing (2005).
A Threshold Model for Parental Filicide with Suicide, Suicide 2004: Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the American Association of Suicidology, Clinical Division 141-145, Rogers, J.R. (Ed.) Washington, DC: American Association of Suicidology (2005).
A Threshold Model for Parental Filicide with Suicide, American Association of Suicidology Convention (2004).
Post-Accident In Anticipation of Litigation, Society for Police and Criminal Psychology Convention (2003).
Jeanne Clery and Campus Suicide, American Association of Suicidology Convention (2003).
Photographic Evidence in Light of Digital Technology, Society for Police and Criminal Psychology Convention (2002).
Criminal Psychology as it Relates to Culpability, Society for Police and Criminal Psychology Convention (2002).
Bathtubs, Beauty and Clothes as They Relate to Suicide, American Association of Suicidology Convention (2002).
Employees Who are Threatened, Stalked or Attacked Off-the-Job: Should Employers be Responsible for Their Safety On-the-Job, Society for Police and Criminal Psychology Convention (2001).
Parental Filicide: Where Do We Go From Here?, Society for Police and Criminal Psychology Convention (2001).
Vital Perception in Suicidal Police Calls, American Association of Suicidology Convention (2001).
Using Civil Law Occupational Death Procedures in Police Suicide Reporting, Suicide and Law Enforcement, Quantitative Approaches 465-468, FBI Academy-Behavioral Science Unit (2001).
Law Enforcement Training in the New Millenium, Society for Police & Criminal Psychology Convention (2000).
The Rich Go to Psychologists and the Poor Go to Jail, Society for Police & Criminal Psychology Convention (2000).
Backed Into A Corner With Suicide the Only Way Out, Society for Police & Criminal Psychology Convention (2000).
Death Times Three--Anxiety and Homicide in Suicide, American Association of Suicidology Convention (2000).
The Pathoformic Lie and Pseudologia Fantastica in Suicide, American Association of Suicidology Convention (2000).
Fifty Years of Attempted Assassinations and Assassinations (1950-2000), International Relations, University of Houston (2000).
Crime Scene and Autopsy Pictures--A Legal Perspective, American Association of Suicidology Convention (1999).
Suicide--A Cry for Help, The Ultimate Act of Selfishness, An Accident or Homicide, Foundation for Justice (1997).
Understanding Law Enforcement Lingo and Criminal Justice Jargon, The Advocate (1996).
Workplace Violence, Texas Association of Licensed Investigators Convention (1995).
Preventing Employee Wage Claims, Preventive Law (1995).
Twenty Ways to Be Happy with Your Attorney, The Advocate (1994).
Things to Consider While Searching for an Attorney, The Advocate (1993).
At Your Service--Legal Resources Assist Public, The Advocate (1991).


Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International offers THREE PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION designations: (1) CDI©SM-Certified Defense Investigator-exclusively attained by the licensed private investigator and/or legal investigator;(2) CLC©SM-Certified Legal Criminalist-exclusively attained by those trained and/or educated in legal criminalistics, police science, crime phenomenology, criminal psychology and/or law enforcement criminalistics; and (3) CCE©SM-Certified Consulting Expert-exclusively attained by those trained and/or educated in legal consultation services provided to a licensed attorney "in anticipation of litigation", "pre-case acceptance", "trial preparation" and "trial". Those seeking certification must submit an extensive documentation application supporting their qualifications, expertise and experience, along with payment of the required one-year certification fees.

Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International also offers EMPLOYER CERTIFICATION as a WCDI COMPLIANT WORKPLACE. Employers obtain CERTIFICATION by the agreement to adhere to the tenets of THE TRIANGLE WORKPLACE©SM, along with payment of the required one-year certification fees.

To be added to our mailing list for WCDI Defense, to receive information and rates for THE TRIANGLE WORKPLACE©SM, to receive a FREE WCDI PATCH, or to obtain CERTIFICATION information, please send an email to with your name, address and type of request.


With all the injury and death statistics floating around about workplace violence, it is amazing that anyone would choose to go to an employer's workplace without wearing a bullet-proof vest or having emergency medical training. Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International maintains a wide variety of resource materials on this subject including speeches and publications ranging from warning signs through workplace training and seminars. Additionally, Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International periodically submits public comment to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration on permit-required confined space and to the United States Sentencing Commission on Federal Sentencing Guidelines, the most recent 2005 Public Comment, 2006 Public Comment, 2008 Public Comment and 2009 Public Comment.

However, Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International is committed to improving workplace safety through Human Resources policies and procedures. Human Resources is the life blood of every business organization. In almost every situation of workplace violence, there was a clear indication that Human Resources could have played a significant role in preventing the violence. This does not mean developing an anti-violence policy nor arming your organization with ballistic vests and law enforcement trained personnel with emergency training. It does mean that Human Resources should strive to develop relationships with their employees, open the lines of communication between management and staff and develop an atmosphere of comradery and loyalty. It also means that the bottom line is not the most important factor of the business.

This is a pretty tall order, but one that can be achieved when it is based on complete company devotion to its employees. No amount of statutes or regulations can instill "employee caring" into an executive staff. Both federal and state laws demand compliance, but REQUIRE the cooperation of both the employer and all employees. Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International conducted a workplace survey and was told by a company president that "happy employees do not produce." If your business organization functions under philosophies such as this, you are asking for trouble. Every speech given by Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International emphasizes fairness to the company and to the employees. Every employee should expect to be treated with respect and fairness and every employer should expect its employees to treat it with respect and fairness.

One of the most frequent complaints made by employees and employers is, "I never knew." Communication should be developed by establishing clear and fair grievance and appeal procedures, quality employee handbooks and perquisites to motivate and thank hard-working, loyal employees. Both employers and employees should keep each other abreast of changes and growth, both professional and personal, when it is intended to promote well-being and not to invade the right of privacy. However, employers and employees must be mindful of the attorney-client privilege and work product protections that apply in an internal investigation as discussed in the above 2005 United States Sentencing Commission Public Comment.

Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International always looks for quality ideas to improve Human Resources in business organizations. If you have any suggestions, please send your comments to us and we will publish them, using you as the source. The love of work is a valuable part of health for both the employer and employee!!


Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International provides services and consultations in the United States and overseas on a case-by-case written contractual basis. Travel time and travel expenses are calculated from our home base, Houston, Texas, out of Hobby Airport,(713) 574-6494.



The Triangle Workplace©SM

AVAILABLE MARCH 15, 2009!!!!!!!!!!

Lynzy Wright has finally put her expertise given in speeches, papers and presentations and witnessed in organizations over the past thiry years into a paradigm-shifting, cutting-edge Workplace discourse designed to protect the smallest of business to the largest of corporation and anywhere in between. The Triangle Workplace©SM offers wisdom and insight into the inner workings of organizations by examining strategies for:
Protecting the Workplace for All Employers and Employees©SM

The Bridge Between Civil and Criminal Law©SM

Money Hides Corruption Money Hides Perversion©SM

Dispelling the Management Philosophy That Happy Employees Do Not Produce©SM

Every Employee Should Expect to Be Treated with Respect and Fairness©SM

Every Employer Should Expect to Be Treated with Respect and Fairness©SM

The Only Difference Between the Rich and the Poor is a Good Attorney©SM

Twenty Ways to be Happy With Your Attorney©SM

The Triangle Workplace©SM offers precise measures for producing dramatic financial and employment relation improvements in the Workplace. LYNZY WRIGHT, EJD, a Legal Criminalist/Consulting Expert, provides services and consultations in the United States and overseas on a case-by-case written contractual basis.

ISBN 978-0-9761905-0-9 - Paperback
ISBN 978-0-9761905-1-6 - Spiral


Compliance versus Cooperation©SM

Strategies for Deciding to Sue your Employer©SM

Employer and Employee Relationships in a Civil Law Workplace©SM

Making Training Real©SM

Human Resources as Catalyst for Change©SM

Insulating the Workplace Against Domestic Violence©SM

Making Peace Between Human Resources and Compliance©SM

Collections Management Systems©SM

Contracts Management Systems©SM

World Vision Compliance©SM

Electronic Age Auditing©SM

Fitting Sexual Bullying into Title VII©SM

ISBN 978-0-9761905-2-3 - Paperback
ISBN 978-0-9761905-3-0 - Spiral

$29.95 U.S./$39.95 NON-U.S.
(Price includes shipping and handling)

P. O. BOX 301288
AUSTIN, TEXAS 78703-0022


In Houston - 713-574-6494
In Austin - 512-879-8972


P. O. BOX 301288
AUSTIN, TEXAS 78703-0022

COPYRIGHT© AND SERVICE MARKSM 1981-2009, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Lynzy Wright; Lynzy Wright, EJD; World Council of Defense Investigators; Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International; WCDI; CDI; CLC; CCE; The Wright Word; The Wright Word Investigations; and The Wright Word Publishing. This website is for GENERAL purposes only and does not purport to give legal or psychological advice nor provide legal representation. No liability is accepted or assumed whatsoever for any claims, known or unknown, actual or implied, from its contents. No part of this website may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of its author except in cases of brief quotations or cites referring to the substantive material contained in this website. For further information, please write Workplace Criminalistics and Defense International, C/O Lynzy Wright, EJD, P. O. Box 301288, Austin, Texas 78703-0022.