Master of Business Administration, May 1999
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Concentration: International Management
Bachelor of Arts, December 1996
Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia
Major: Business Minor: Marketing
Honors: Dean’s List
- United States Achievement Academy All American Scholar
- National Dean's List
- Member, Sigma Iota Epsilon Honorary Fraternity in Management
- Well-rounded professional with good international exposure
- Solid background in customer satisfaction
- Clear, concise, and persuasive Communicator (both oral and written)
- Skilled in organizing and delivering formal presentations
- Experienced in group facilitation
- Able to identify and capitalize on influencing and sales opportunities
- Well-developed organizational, leadership and management skills
- Proficient in MS Word and Excel
Adjunct Professor – Covenant College Quest
Classroom instruction in Strategic Manangement and Human Resource Management
Sales Associate – BellSouth Telecommunications
Trained in B2B Consultative Sales
Project Manager – Chalmers Center for Economic Development
Facilitated training and oversaw action research in holistic, sustainable financial systems
Management Consultant – Tennessee Valley Infrastructure Group
Assisted the President and CEO with strategic planning and administration
Graduate Assistant – UTC School of Business Administration (Aug. 1997 May 1999)
Duties included library research and Administration.
Intern – Tennessee World Trade Center (September-December 1997)
Membership recruitment and seminars
Financial Aid Assistant - Covenant College (August 1996-August 1997)
Evaluated applications for aid, assisted director with administrative duties.
Work Study Coordinator’s Assistant - Covenant College (Academic years 1993-1996)
Supervised work-study students, made weekly schedules, helped prepare pay roll.
Clerk/Teller - Barclays Bank of Kenya Limited, Nairobi, Kenya - (October 1988 - February
Performed clerical and teller duties did credit analysis for lending.