Karibuni to the web site of Sila, Grace and Rehema
Welcome to our web site. Our wedding pictures are now old news but they are still here in case you have not seen them. Get a cup of tea and enjoy browsing through the wedding pictures and Grace's army pictures.

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Sila's Resume.

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Covenant College, a superb Christian liberal arts college. University of Tennessee. Sila's Graduate School Daystar Univeristy. Gracie's undergraduate School University of Cape Town. Gracie's Graduate School

No splash, please! Lily among the, uh... A little closer, please... WOW! Hasta la vista, baby! You look good! This way, Omondi! Is that Bill Gates? Pontificating Down the aisle On the aisle?... Lean on me...

Grace's Basic Training Graduation Pictures
A B black 'n white C Hongera! From Col Nabors Trooping of the colour? Set me free, Drill Seargent! D Left...Left... E Grace the Terminator Kenyan Tennesseean or what?

Sila's Favourite Soldier

We hope you enjoyed the visit and the tea. Come back again soon

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