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Thank you. ATTAKKE
have the mp3 section with hundreds of mp3 (2 CD´s)
Hi you are lucky you found the ATTAKKE-CD!
There are 640 mb of the best (
or almoust) things.
See it by your own:
To order the CD please send a mail
to: cdzz@hotmail.com
The prices are belove.
_Com phone
_Excal terminal
_Net terminal
_PC anywhere
This all are for comunicate to
BBS, other people by modem, they are similar but have some diferences.
_Astronomy tuthor (To learn some
_DOS (A spanish DOS tuthor)
_Fast type (A kind program to learn
to type fast)
_Quizes (Pregram of quizes, and
you can made your owns)
_2 USA (To learn about USA, Two
_Chess master (Excelent chess game)
_Defiance (Like the doom but you
are a robot)
_Doom (The classic)
_Golf (Minigolf game)
_Gun (Shoot to the screen and make
_G-police (Cool future cop game)
_The lord (A estrategy game)
_Microsoft cart (Humm a geme of
_Across (Entreteined game of a
croos bike)
_Nuclear Strike (Chopper kiling
militar things)
_Pinball (<----That)
_Sierra Pinball (Ambiented in the
dinosaur era)
_Pool (little game)
_Sky raider (shoot to planes)
_Test drive 4 (Demo of a cool game)
_Tom raider 2 (Do you know it)
_Truco (A argentinian an Uruguayan
classic game)
HaCkz & CrAcKz:
_Arj crack
_Back Orifice (Get inside of another
computer, by Cult of the dead cow)
_Bios Crack (Get the BIOS password)
_Caption (See the passwords that
are like this xxxxxxx ok?)
_Card generator (Number generator)
_Dissambler (Dissambler of programs)
_Editor hexadecimal
_Hack tek (Lot of utilities)
_Host scanner (This scan the host
of a ip)
_ICQ cleanner flood (If you have
been ataked by ICQ flood clean it with this)
_ICQ bomber (Bomb the ICQ´s
of bad people)
_ICQ killer (<------)
_Jack the ripper (Passwords cracker)
_Kaboom (mail bomber and subscriptioner)
_Key log (This record all that
a person write then you see it)
_Check null (Check for logins with
out passwords)
_Mail insulter (<------------)
_Nessus (Check somebody password)
_Netbus hacker (To hack the passwords
of the netbus)
_Netbus (Another cool program to
enter another computer)
_NT crack (Crack of NT nets)
_Oscar 96 y 10.3 (Cracker)
_Password crack (eso)
_POP crack (cracker of mails acounts)
_Port scanner (<---------)
_Text (Tons of text to learn how
to crack, phreack and hack)
_Toneloc (Scanner of telephones
_Unabomber (Another mail bomber)
_2 Unix crack (Two crakers of Unix
_Unsecure (Get somebody password)
_Upc (cracker of programs)
_Virii (A lot of virus stuff)
_Wild dialer ( Another scanner
of telephones lines)
_Word crack (Say bye bye to Word
_wwwhack (To hack www pages)
_Zip crack (Zip passwords cracker)
_Ariadna (Russian Navigator)
_Cute FTP (To transfer files)
_Eudora Pro (Good mail server)
_Getright (Cool program to download
a file in many conections)
_ICQ (To know if your friends are
on line)
_IP clip (It sais your ip)
_Internet phone (Kool to talk by
cam or microphone)
_Net2phone (Make free cals or almoust
_Netscape 4.5
_Real Player (Listen live radio
and TV)
_Search wolf (Search engine)
_Shock wave (You are going to need
it in many webs)
_Vivoplay (Like the real player)
_Webcams (Watch a lot of web cams)
_Webtranslator (Is a translator
of webs)
_Webseeker (www seeker)
_Webstereo (To listen radios with
the Real Player)
_Defcon 1.5 script
_Orbital script
_K-zombie script
_War script
_mIRC 5.4
_Pirch 98 y 97
The Internet Relay Chat is
the best system to chat on the Internet.
_3 encoder and compressors (To
convert the large .wav in .mp3)
_List editor (Edit your list of
_26 plugs in
_5 player (including Winamp 2.3)
_mp3 Wolf (Search mp3 in the web)
_26 songs ( AC/DC, 4 non blondes,
Aerosmith, Alanis Morisette, Metallica, Eurythmics, Green Day, Marylin
Manson, Los Rodriguez, Coolio, Ataque 77, Los buitres, Cramberries.............)
If you don´t know what is
mp3, is s format of music with CD cuality and little files.
is also the mp3-CD go here to see HERE!
_Converter (Converts all wages
and all)
_Cool edit (Edit your waves)
_Encriptor (Protect your files)
_FoxPro 3.0 (Good progrmation software)
_Frases (Varias frases celebres)
_Magic Folders (Hide the windows
_PC-Dctor (Test your PC)
_Power Desk (Like the windows wxplorer
but better)
_Regclean (Clean the windows registry)
_Sea (The best to see pics)
_Sistem cleaner (Clean you system)
_Space hunter (To see files that
you don´t need and have more space on disk)
_Split 32 (To split a file)
_Tape edit (To make your tape labs)
_Thunderbyte (Good Anti-virus)
_Imeter (Control your time at internet)
_Tree size
_Word Pad enhaced
_Winzip 7.0 (To zip files)
_239 Photos (Of palces, Gillian
Anderson,.......only clean pics sorry)
_8 Jokes (False virus)
_122 midis (Classic music)
_25 music clips (Diverse clips,
Coolio, Manson....)
_25 sceen savers
_18 texts (Humor, varios)
_9 films-Tv clips (Prewievs of
_14 videos of diferent stuff
_109 effects in wave format
_Lots of windows trick
To order this cool cd send a mail
to: cdzz@hotmail.com
Or you can directly send the money
(Try to disimulate the money in
a postal card or something)
The price varies because the
U.S.A. and Candada: U$S 25
Spain: U$S 20
Rest of Europe: U$S 25
Uruguay and Argentina: US$ 15
Rest of Latin America: U$S 20
Asia, Africa and Australia:
U$S 25
(U$S = American Dolars. The delivery cost is included)
I accept checks only of this banks:
Banco de la republica del Uruguay
American Express Bank
Banco ACAC
Banco Comercial del Uruguay
Banco de Boston
Banco de la Nacion Argentina
Banco de Montevideo
Banco Santander
Banco do Brasil
Banco Frances
Intercontinental Bank
Banco Pan de Azucar
Banco Real del Uruguay
Banco Sudameris
Banco Surinvest SA
Banesto Banco
Bank Boston
Casa Bancaria de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
City Bank
Deutche Bank
Discount Bank
ING Bank
International Nederlanden Bank
Lloyd´s Bank
Republic National Bank of New York
Riobank International
Swiss Bank Corporation
Transamerica Casa Bancaria SA
United European Bank
Go for it!!