First editon - Primera edicion
     by ATTAKKE_productions®KYA


The Best programs, lots of HaCkIng, CrAcKiNg, Utilities, Videos, Music, mp3, Pics, Games, Internet..........
Come and see 640 mb of cool stuf!

Agradecimientos: Feiz, Phrozen Crew and JJ HaCkErZ.

FastCounter by LinkExchange


Hackers Crack Hack Hacking Cracking Crackz Hackz Haker Manual Lunux Phreaking Phreaker warez Appz Gamez Videos Pics Sex Bondage Torture SEX SEX XXX gay lesbians Uruguay Comprar un CD de mp3 Cojer Putas Illegal Uruguay FBI X Hacer nehgosiso Neo NAzis Negocions New York Penpals Lamers Aprender a ser un hacker mp3-CD mIRC Fuck Elite hackers X files ATTAKKE WAREZ Cool Programs Freeware Shareware Demo Games Bussnnises NASA UFO Ganar dnero Money SEX and the City Drugs Marylin Manson GAYS White negroes Make a bomb hacker jodas passwords films mp3 vqf astalavista be a hacker como ser un hacker aprender programacion sexo sexo pepsi coca cola el pentagono the pentagon HACK THE PLANET JJF HACKERS comprar un cd underage sex Mexico USA Uruguay Argentina Peñarol Nacional River Plate Boca Juniors Campeon Negros Blancos Judios Cristiano DIos Satan
Com phone
Excal terminal
Net terminal
PC anywhere
odos estos programas son para comunicarse a BBS o con alguien a distancia, todos son buenos pero tienen ciertas diferencias y usos, tambien el Com phone sirve para navegar por el web.

Astronomy tuthor (Con esto conoce las estrellas y todo eso)
DOS (Buen curso de DOS para principiantes y no tanto, muy completo)
Fast type (Para aprender dactilografia con un buen esntorno grafico)
Quizes (Lindo programa de preguntas y respuestas con la posibilidad de crear el tuyo)
2 USA (Para conocer EEUU, sus estados, capitales, poblacion.....)

Chess master (Excelente juego de ajedrez)
Defiance (tipo el doom pero sos un robot)
Doom (el clasico doom)
Golf (juego de minigolf)
Gun (disparas sobre la pantalla dejandole aujeros ??)
G-police (Muy bueno, sos una nave policia y matas a los otros, esas cosas)
the lord (es de estrategia del siglo de brave heart)
Microsoft cart (juego de carreritas y eso)
Across (simple pero entretenido, moto cross)
Nuclear Strike (Helicoptero haciendo de las suyas)
Pinball (<----eso)
Sierra Pinball (pinball ambientado en la epoca de los dinosaurios)
Pool (este no es muy bueno pero...)
Sky raider (le tiras a los aviones, medio pelotudo)
Test drive 4 (es un demo pero esta bueno)
Tom raider 2 (quien no lo conoce?)
Truco (juego de truco argentino con voces, bastante kool)

HaCkz & CrAcKz:
Arj crack (chau passwords de los .arj)
Back Orifice (para meterte en otras computadoras por el Cult of the dead cow)
Bios Crack (Con esto sacas cual es el password del BIOS)
Caption (Viste que cuando pones un password te aparece xxxxx con esto lo ves)
Card generator (generador de numeros de tarjetas)
Dissambler (Desamblador de porgramas de Windows)
Editor hexadecimal
Hack tek (varias cosas hace esto)
Host scanner (Escanea el host con la ip)
ICQ cleanner flood (despues que te hacen un flood con el ICQ lo limpias con esto)
ICQ bomber (bomba contra un ICQ de una mala persona)
ICQ killer (como el de arriva, parecido)
Jack the ripper (crackeador de passwords)
Kaboom (mail bomber con posibilidad de hacerle subscripciones a la victima)
Key log (Lo instalas en una computadora y sabes todo lo que escribe)
Check null (verifica logins sin passwords en redes)
Mail insulter (insulta por email a tus amigos,)
Nessus (para averiguarle el password a alguien con la ip)
Netbus hacker (Sacas esos molestos passwords del netbus y entras con el que queres)
Netbus (otro para entrar en computadoras ajenas)
NT crack (para redes NT)
Oscar 96 y 10.3 (cracker)
Password crack (eso)
POP crack (cracker de cuentas de correo)
Port scanner (averigua los puertos abiertos de alguien)
Text (Varios textos en ingles y español sobre el tema)
Toneloc (Escaneador de lineas de telefono en busca de modems)
Unabomber (otro mail bomber)
2 Unix crack (Dos crakers de passwords de unix)
Unsecure (otro para sacar el password de alguien en internet)
Upc (cracker de progrmas)
Virii (Varios virus en formato comprimido para investigarlos, con esto no se juega)
Wild dialer (Otro escaneador de lineas telefonicas)
Word crack (Chau passwords de word)
wwwhack (para hackear paginas web)
Zip crack (hasta la vista zip passwords)

Ariadna (Navegador ruso)
Cute FTP (Para transferir archivos)
Eudora Pro (Cliente de correo)
Getright (Con este excelente programas podes bajar algo en varios tiempos por si se te corta la comunicacion)
ICQ (Sabes si tus amigos estan en linea)
IP clip (te dice tu ip)
_Internet phone (Kool para habar por microfono o camara)
Net2phone (Haces llamadas a larga distancia gratis o casi)
Netscape 4.5
_Real Player (Para escuchar musica, radio, television en vivo en internet)
Search wolf (Buscador)
Shock wave (Lo vas a necesitar en varias webs)
Vivoplay (como el real player)
_Webcams (Te sirve para mirar muchas web cams)
Webtranslator (te traduce una web)
Webseeker (Bucador de www)
_Webstereo (para escuchar radios con el Real Player)
_Defcon 1.5 script
Orbital script
_K-zombie script
War script
_mIRC 5.4
Pirch 98 y 97
The Internet Relay Chat es un sistema donde hay miles de personas para hablar, el mejor canal es undernet)
_3 encoder and compressors (Para pasar de .wav a mp3)
List editor (editas tu lista de mp3)
26 plugs in
_5 player (including Winamp 2.3)
mp3 Wolf (buscas mp3 en Internet)
_26 songs ( AC/DC, 4 non blondes, Aerosmith, Alanis Morisette, Metallica, Eurythmics, Green Day, Marylin Manson, Los Rodriguez, Coolio, Ataque 77, Los buitres, ramberries.............)
Si no sabes lo que es mp3 es un formato que ocupa poco y tiene calidad de CD
Tambien esta disbonible el CD de mp3 para verlo anda ACA(
_Converter (Convierte varias medidas y pesos)
_Cool edit (Para editar musica)
_Encriptor (Encriptador de archovos para protejerlos)
_FoxPro 3.0 (Programacion)
_Frases (Varias frases celebres)
_Magic Folders (Esconde las carpetas para que solo vos las veas)
_PC-Dctor (Excelente para testear tu PC a ver si anda bien)
_Power Desk (Es como el explorer pero mejor)
_Regclean (Limpia el registro de Windows de errores y eso)
_Sea (El mejor para ver fotos)
_Shorthand (con solo apretar un boton te pone una frase que hayas programado)
_Sistem cleaner (Limpiador del sistema)
_Space hunter (Para ahorrar espacio en disco y ver que cosas estan al pedo)
_Split 32 (Dividis un archivo en dos para meterlo en un disquette)
_Tape edit (Haces tus tapas de cassetes)
_Thunderbyte (Anti-virus bueno)
_Imeter (Mide el tiempo en linea)
_Tree size
_Word Pad enhaced Para mejorar el wordpad)
_Winzip 7.0 (Para comprimir archivos)

_239 fotos (Son de lugares, Gillian Anderson (Scully) y varias, no son relajadas ojo!)
_8 Jokes-Bromas (Virus falsos o bromas para hacer)
_122 midis (Musica clasica de Bethoben y otros)
_25 music clips (Varios clips)
_25 sceen savers (Protectores de pantalla)
_18 textos (Humor, varios)
_9 films-Tv clips (clips de presentacion o partes de peliculas)
_14 videos varios
_109 effects in wave format (effectos en este formato)
_Lots of windows trick (Trucos para Windows 95)
Que mas queres? no te alcanso, espera la segunda edicion.
1. 2 Unlimited - Tribial dance - [3:39]
2. Ace of base - All that she wants - [3:28]
3. Alexia - Uh la la la - [3:44]
4. Alvaro Quartino & Latina - El Vacilon - [5:24]
5. Alvaro Quartino - Space is a dream - [4:50]
6. Amparo Sandino - El talisman - [3:37]
7. Antonio Banderas - La balada del pistolero - [2:06]
8. Apollo for 40 - Ain`t talking about dub - [4:30]
9. Aqua - Barbie Girl - [3:14]
10. Araca la cana - La compañera - [2:07]
11. Arrested Development - Mr. wendel - [3:16]
12. Augusto Michelis - Dream - [3:10]
13. Ballini - Samba De Janeiro - [2:46]
14. Status Quo Whith Beach Boys - Fun Fun Fun - [3:10]
15. BeatForge: Anne Clark - Our Darkness97 - Hardfloor RMX
16. Beck - Loser - [3:54]
17. Benny Hill - Yakety Sax - [4:32]
18. Bitty McLean - It keeps rainin´ - [3:44]
19. Buffy, la cazadora de vampiros - [0:51]
20. Cappella - U got 2 know - [3:35]
21. Carlos Vives - La tierra del olvido - [4:21]
22. Carlos Vives - Pa mayte - [3:05]
23. Celia Cruz - Le pongo sazon - [4:48]
24. Celia Cruz - Que le den candela - [3:49]
25. Chayane - Provocame - [4:11]
26. Chiste - Estupido - [0:14]
27. Control Machete - Compredes Mendez - [3:33]
28. Culture Beat - Mr. Vain - [5:34]
29. Daft Punk - Around The World - [4:01]
30. Daft Punk - Daftendirekt - [2:44]
31. Discovery Featuring Mr Jazz - Last train to London - [3:43]
32. Disco`s Revenge - Gusto - [3:08]
33. D.J. Dero - Bellisima - [3:17]
34. D.J. Dero - El tren - [4:56]
35. D.J. Dero - In My House - [6:00]
36. E o tchan - A danca do bum bum - [3:12]
37. El General - We will rock you - [2:53]
38. El Remixero - El colesterol - [3:41]
39. El Simbolo - Levantando las manos - [4:29]
40. El Simbolo - Uno, dos, tres - [3:19]
41. Enigma - Return to innocence - [7:03]
42. Enigma - TNT for the brain - [4:31]
43. Enya - Caribbean blue - [3:59]
44. Era - Ameno - [4:20]
45. Eurythmics - Sweet Dream - [4:52]
46. Fey - Azucar Amargo - [4:40]
47. Soundtrack Flashdance - She is A Maniac Under Show - [3:58]
48. Future Breeze - BEATFORGE rox! - How much can you take
49. Future B - Keep The Fire Burnin'- - [3:34]
50. Future Breeze - Why don't you dance with me? - [3:25]
51. Gabrielle - Dreams - [3:40]
52. Gala - Freed from desire - [3:30]
53. Gabriel Fernandez Capello - Gasoleros - [3:09]
54. Unknown Artist - Gipsy Kings- Alabina.mp3 - [3:45]
55. Gloria Gaynor - I will survive - [3:30]
56. Gorgeous - Don't Stop - [3:42]
57. Hare Krishna - [4:31]
58. House of Pain - Jump around - [3:29]
59. Ice MC - Think about the way - [4:17]
60. Inner Circle - Swet (a la la la la long) - [3:44]
61. Jaime Ross - Adios juventud - [3:54]
62. Jaime Ross - Amandote - [5:04]
63. Moby - James Bond theme - [3:08]
64. Jennifer Paige - Crush - [3:18]
65. Joaquin Sabina - Y nos dieron las diez - [5:02]
66. Killer Instint theme - [3:45]
67. King Africa - Agua Mineral - [3:10]
68. Korn - Twist - [0:56]
69. La bouche - Sweet dreams - [3:43]
70. La Portuaria - Selva - [4:06]
71. Las sabrosas zariguellas - El muerto se fue de rumba - [2:45]
72. Leo Verde - Amor all'Italiana - [4:31]
73. Leon Gieco - Ojo con los Orozcos - [4:43]
74. Los Autenticos Decadentes - La Guitarra - [3:36]
75. Los Manolos - Lola Si Si - [3:03]
76. Los Perros - Bajo la rambla - [2:53]
77. Los Piojos - El Farolito - [4:09]
78. Los Piojos - Verano de '92 - [4:41]
79. Los Reyes del Mambo - Johanna - [3:32]
80. Los Reyes Del Ritmo - Meneaito - [3:23]
81. Rechard Dean Anderson - MacGyver - [0:58]
82. Machito Ponce - Samanta - [4:04]
83. Madonna - Frozen - [6:15]
84. Madonna - La isla Bonita - [3:47]
85. Madonna - Like a Prayer - [5:49]
86. Madonna - Like a Virgin - [3:10]
87. Madonna - Live to Tell - [5:16]
88. Madonna - Material Girl - [3:51]
89. Madonna - Open your Heart - [3:50]
90. Madonna - Ray of light - [5:20]
91. Madonna - Vogue - [5:16]
92. Marcela Morelo - Corazon salvaje - [4:24]
93. Marcela Morelo - La fierza del engaño - [3:22]
94. Marcha - Mix - [4:51]
95. Marcia Freire - Vermelho - [2:52]
96. Men at Work - Who can it be now - [3:23]
97. Mexico Song - Unknow song - [2:24]
98. Milk Incorporated - Free Your Mind - [2:54]
99. Mix - Tic, tic, tac - [4:51]
100. Murgas - Cuando juega Uruguay - [4:27]
101. Nada surf - Popular - [3:32]
102. Paralamas - Una brasilera - [3:34]
103. Pericos - Dos Pintores - [3:58]
104. Pericos - Mas cerca del cielo - [4:20]
105. Pericos - Torito - [3:27]
106. Porn Kings - Up To No Good - [1:26]
107. Unknown Artist - Preta Porter - [4:11]
108. The Movie - Pulp Fiction - [2:29]
109. Arkade - Quake 2 - [1:05]
110. Queen - Love of my life - [3:48]
111. Queen - We Are The Champions - [2:59]
112. Queen - We will rock you - [5:03]
113. R.E.M - Everybody Hurts - [5:16]
114. R.E.M. - Loosing my religion - [4:26]
115. R.E.M - The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite - [4:05]
116. Red 5 - Lift me Up - [3:51]
117. Reel 2 Rell - Like to move it - [5:51]
118. Robert Miles - Children - [4:04]
119. Robert Miles - One and One - [3:59]
120. Rosana - A fuego lento - [3:40]
121. Rosana - El Talisman - [3:38]
122. Rosana - Si tu no estas - [4:13]
123. Sabage Garden - I want you - [3:36]
124. Sandy & Papo - El alacran - [4:00]
125. Sandy & Papo - Unknow track - [4:44]
126. Sash - Ecuador - [3:30]
127. Sash! - Encore un fois - [3:49]
128. Sash! - Stay - [3:30]
129. SEAL - KISS FROM A ROSE - [4:48]
130. Seducidas y Abandonadas - Nada Te Dare - [3:17]
131. Shaggi - BoomBastic - [4:06]
132. Shaggy - Oh Carolina - [3:09]
133. Shakira - Ciega, Sordo y muda - [4:28]
134. Shakira - Donde estan los ladrones - [3:13]
135. Shakira - Pies Descalsos - [3:23]
136. Shakira - Unknow I - [3:52]
137. Shakira - Unknow II - [3:13]
138. Shakira - Unknow III - [4:31]
139. Shakira - Unknow IIII - [3:57]
140. Snow - Informer - [4:01]
141. Southern Culture on The kids - White trash (B&B) - [2:01]
142. Spice Girls - Spice Up Your Life - [2:53]
143. Star Wars - Imperial March - [3:01]
144. SUB SUB - AIN´T NO LOVE - [2:42]
145. Survivor - Eye of the tiger - [4:01]
146. Tecnohead - I Wanna be happy - [3:14]
147. Terminator theme - [1:59]
148. Texas - Say what you want - [3:52]
149. The Beatles - A Hard Day´s Night - [2:28]
150. The Beatles - All my Loving - [2:05]
151. The Beatles - All You Need Is Love - [3:47]
152. The Beatles - Can´t Buy Me Love - [2:10]
153. The Beatles - Eight Days A Week - [2:41]
154. The Beatles - Help! - [2:16]
155. The Beatles - I Saw Her standing there - [2:55]
156. The Beatles - Love me Do - [2:22]
157. The Beatles - Please Mister Postman - [2:33]
158. The Beatles - She Loves You - [2:19]
159. The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever - [4:06]
160. The Beatles - Twist and Shake - [2:31]
161. The Beatles - Yellow Submarine - [2:36]
162. Tne Beatles - Yesterday - [2:03]
163. The Beatles- I Saw Her Standing There - [2:55]
164. The Beatles - Twisted and shad - [2:31]
165. The Beloved - Sweet Armony - [4:29]
166. Mamas and the papas - California Driming - [0:52]
167. The Violin Player - Contradanza - [3:52]
168. Tina Turner - Missing you - [4:36]
169. The Movie - Titanic - [4:35]
170. Trainspotting - Habanera from Carmen - [2:06]
171. Underworld - Pearl's Girl - [9:36]
172. Underworld - Born Slippy (Trainspotting) - [9:41]
173. Underworld - Born Slippy/NUXX (Train Mix) - [6:27]
174. Unknow Art. - Por favor vuelve - [4:16]
175. Unknow Sound - Amor descartable - [3:33]
176. Urban cookie collective - The key, the secret - [3:41]
177. Varios - El Cucumelo - [3:53]
178. Varios - I give my life - [3:53]
179. Varios - I love you so - [2:00]
180. Varios - I´m to sexy - [2:52]
181. Vilma Palma - Fondo Profundo - [3:45]
182. Vilma Palma - Lorele - [3:27]
183. Vilma palma e Vampiros - Bye Bye - [5:46]
184. Vilma palma e Vampiros - La Panchanga - [4:40]
185. Wildchild - Renegade Master - [3:51]
186. Scolly-Molder :) - X-Files - [3:24]
187. Zimbawe - Traicion a la mexica - [4:08]

Second CD Vol.6

1. Take That - Back For Good - [3:59]
2. Tears for fears - Shout - [6:29]
3. Tecnohead - I Wanna be happy - [3:14]
4. Texas - Say what you want - [3:52]
5. Thalia - Por amor - [3:53]
6. Thalia - Amor a la mexicana - [4:22]
7. The Beatles - A Hard Day´s Night - [2:28]
8. The Beatles - All my Loving - [2:05]
9. The Beatles - All You Need Is Love - [3:47]
10. The Beatles - And I Love Her - [2:27]
11. The Beatles - Can´t Buy Me Love - [2:10]
12. The Beatles - Eight Days A Week - [2:41]
13. The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby - [2:04]
14. The Beatles - Hello Goodbye - [3:27]
15. The Beatles - Help! - [2:16]
16. The Beatles - Hey Jude - [7:06]
17. The Beatles - I Saw Her Standing There - [2:51]
18. The Beatles - If I Fell - [2:17]
19. The Beatles - It´s Only Love - [1:55]
20. The Beatles - I´ll Be Back - [2:19]
21. The Beatles - I´ll Follow The Sun - [1:46]
22. The Beatles - I´ve Just Seen A Face - [2:03]
23. The Beatles - Lady Madonna - [2:15]
24. The Beatles - Let It Be (short version) - [3:49]
25. The Beatles - Let It Be - [4:02]
26. The Beatles - Love Me Do - [2:21]
27. The Beatles - Michelle - [2:39]
28. The Beatles - No Reply - [2:13]
29. The Beatles - Norwegian Wood - [2:02]
30. The Beatles - Penny Lane - [2:59]
31. The Beatles - Please Mister Postman - [2:33]
32. The Beatles - Please Please Me - [1:59]
33. The Beatles - Rock and Roll Music - [2:29]
34. The Beatles - She Loves You - [2:19]
35. The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever - [4:06]
36. The Beatles - Tell Me What You See - [2:35]
37. The Beatles - The Long and Winding Road - [3:36]
38. The Beatles - The Night Before - [2:33]
39. The Beatles - Twist and Shout - [2:32]
40. The Beatles - We Can Work It Out - [2:13]
41. The Beatles - Yellow Submarine - [2:36]
42. Tne Beatles - Yesterday - [2:03]
43. The Beatles - You´ve Got To Hide Your Love.. - [2:07]
44. The Beloved - Sweet Harmony - [4:29]
45. The Clash - Should I Stay Or Should I Go - [3:08]
46. The Movie - Pulp Fiction - [2:29]
47. The Shamen - Forever People - [3:43]
48. The Sunclub - Fiesta [Space Frog's edit] - [3:17]
49. The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony - [5:57]
50. The Verve - Sonnet - [4:21]
51. The Violin Player - Contradanza - [3:52]
52. The Wallflowers - 6th Aveneue Heartache - [5:37]
53. The Wallflowers - Bleeders - [3:41]
54. The Wallflowers - Heroes - [3:55]
55. The Wallflowers - Y Wish Y Felt Nothing - [5:01]
56. The Wallflowers - Josephine - [5:08]
57. The Wallflowers - One Headlite - [5:12]
58. The Wallflowers - The Difference - [3:50]
59. The Wallflowers - Three Marlenas - [4:59]
60. The Wallflowers - God Don't Make Lonely Girls - [4:48]
61. Third Eye Blind - How's It Gonna Be - [4:13]
62. Third Eye Blind - Losing a Year - [3:16]
63. ThirdEyeBlind - Semi Charmed Life - [4:28]
64. Tina Turner - Missing you - [4:36]
65. Tiro de gracia - El juego verdadero - [3:11]
66. Todd Terry by Beatforge - Something goin' on
67. Tom Petty - Learnin' to Fly - [3:59]
68. Toni Braxton - Unbreak My Heart - [4:24]
69. Toto - Africa - [4:49]
70. Tracy Chapman - Babe, Can I Love You Tonight - [3:12]
71. Trainspotting - Perfect Day - [3:44]
72. Trainspotting - Habanera from Carmen - [2:06]
73. U2 - All Along The Watchtower - [4:24]
74. U2 - Daddy's Gonna Pay For You Cras - [5:19]
75. U2 - Discothèque - [5:18]
76. U2 - Do you Feel Loved - [5:07]
77. U2 - even BETTER than the REAL THIN - [3:41]
78. U2 - Exit - [4:52]
79. U2 - Gone - [4:26]
80. U2 - Heartland - [5:02]
81. U2 - Hold me Thrill me kiss me - [4:45]
82. U2 - if god will send his angels - [5:22]
83. U2 - If you wear that Velvet Dress - [5:15]
84. U2 - Last night on earth - [4:45]
85. U2 - Lemon - [6:55]
86. U2 - Miami - [4:52]
87. U2 - Mision Imposible - [3:27]
88. U2 - Mofo (Phunk Phorce Mix) - [8:41]
89. U2 - New Year's Day - [4:17]
90. U2 - Where the Streets Have no Name - [5:36]
91. UB40 - Can't help falling in love - [3:26]
92. UB40 - Higher Ground - [4:21]
93. UB40 - I Got You Babe - [3:05]
94. UB40 - Kingston Town - [3:44]
95. UB40 - Rat In Mi Kitchen - [3:02]
96. UB40 - Red red wine - [2:59]
97. UB40 - Where Did I Go Wrong - [3:43]
98. Ultranate - Free - [3:16]
99. Underworld - Pearl's Girl - [9:36]
100. Underworld - Born Slippy/NUXX (Train Mix) - [6:27]
101. Underworld - Born Slippy (Trainspotting) - [9:41]
102. Underworld - Cowgirl - [8:21]
103. Underworld - Dark and Long (Dark Train Mix) - [9:50]
104. The Cure - Come on Alien - [4:03]
105. Unknow Art. - Just can't let enough - [3:35]
106. Unknow Art. - Por favor vuelve - [4:17]
107. Unknow Art. - Situation - [5:05]
108. Unknow Artist - Amor descartable (wrong version) - [3:34]
109. Unknow Artist - Buffy Theme - [0:51]
110. Unknown Artist - Desconocido - [7:45]
111. Unknown Artist - Every Body Need Some Body - [3:31]
112. Unknown Artist - I like it - [3:15]
113. Unknow Artist - Ingrata (wrong version) - [3:32]
114. Unknown Artist - Mmpmix - [4:26]
115. Unknown Artist - New Word 7 - [2:14]
116. Unknown Artist - Palmas - [3:50]
117. Unknow track - (Electro pop I) - [3:24]
118. Unknow track - (Electro pop II) - [4:07]
119. Unknow track - (Electro pop) - [3:18]
120. Unknow track - (Hard Rock) - [3:39]
121. Unknow track - (Melohdic Rock) - [5:33]
122. Unknow track - (move rock) - [2:57]
123. Unknow track - (Rock I) - [5:14]
124. Unknow track - (Rock) - [4:05]
125. Unknow track - (Soft Rock) - [6:05]
126. Unknow track - Rap - [5:40]
127. Urban cookie collective - The key, the secret - [3:41]
128. Us3 - Cantaloop - [4:37]
129. Usuru - Open your mind - [3:38]
130. Utah saints - Believe in me - [2:52]
131. Van Halen - Humans Being - [5:09]
132. Varios - El Cucumelo - [3:54]
133. Varios - Greace mix - [4:48]
134. Varios - I give my life - [3:54]
135. Varios - I love you so - [2:00]
136. Varios - I´m to sexy - [2:52]
137. Varios - Pimpolio - [3:02]
138. Varios - Requebra - [4:01]
139. Varios - Un millon de rosas - [3:28]
140. Village People - YMCA - [3:45]
141. Vilma Palma - Fondo Profundo - [3:45]
142. Vilma Palma - Lorele - [3:27]
143. Vilma palma e Vampiros - Bye Bye - [5:46]
144. Vilma palma e Vampiros - La Panchanga - [4:40]
145. Volcan - Esa Malvada - [2:56]
146. Warren G. - I shoot the sheriff - [3:23]
147. Wes - Alane - [3:40]
148. Wet Wet Wet - If i never see you again - [3:47]
149. Wet Wet Wet - Love is all Around - [3:56]
150. White Town - Your Woman - [4:18]
151. White Zombie - Ratfinks, Suicide Thanks and Canibal girls - [3:52]
152. Wildchild - Renegade Master - [3:51]
153. Will Smith - Men in Black - [3:45]
154. Zimbawe - Traicion a la mexica - [4:08]