


Detailed curriculum vitae of the artist's qualifications.



Email: mike524@hotmail.com , mike524b@hotmail.com
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/8442/


GENERAL Composer, musician, recording artist, MIDI programmer
- Founding member of Greece's popular band
"FATME" (1981-1989).
"Myths" (EMI 1994) - M. Moustakis compositions and recordings.
- Collaborated with reknowned Greek artists Harris Alexiou, Dimitra Galani, Aphroditi Manou, Loukianos Kilaidonis, D. Tsaknis, L. Mahairitsas, V. Papakonstandinou.
- Composed and recorded music for the National Greek Theatre.
3D computer graphics artist and animator.
Web page designer/developer.
Personal painting/sketching exhibition


Pindarion School of Music
- Traditional & Contemporary Harmony
- Counterpoint & Fugue
- Piano & Guitar

Self educated yet highly experienced in 3d graphics, animation and Internet related software.


IBM PC (DOS, Win95/3.1) and Macintosh
- Cubase (midi sequencer)
- I/O Session8 (direct to hard disk recording)
- WaveLab, Awave
- Micrographix Picture Publisher
- Corel
- Photoshop
- Quark Xpress
- 3D Studio 4
- VistaPro (3D landscape simulation and animation)
- PhotoMorph, Winmorph, ElasticReality
- Adobe Premiere
- FrontPage, Netscape's Composer, HTMLNote
- Java Development Kit


EXPERIENCE M. A. MOUSTAKIS Multimedia Productions
- Produced, edited and directed own LIVE concert at CPG Conference Hall, combining live performance and acting, with video projection.
- Created video computer animation and effects for stage presentation of original music and songs, using Movie Machine video capture, 3D Studio, Vistapro, Photomorph, Corel, Adobe Premiere.
- Directed theatrical monologues over background live music and video animation.

METRO - Concert Productions
- Combined video footage of live concerts with original 3D computer animated material using Sony HandCam, Movie Machine video capture, 3D Studio and various effects.
- Edited master in Adobe Premiere (output on VHS tape).
- Commissioned to create posters and promotional leaflets for summer concert series, using Picture Publisher, Corel, Photoshop.

INTERSET - Computer Company
- Commissioned to produce Interset logo and advertisement for promotional use.
- Created special 3D computer animation for company's advertisement with 3D Studio and KPT effects.

THE JAVA HOUSE Restaurant (www.javahousesf.com)
- Design, development and maintenance of web page.
- Authoring HTML language in notepad, scanning and editing photos in Micrographix Picture Publisher, creating original web animations using Microsoft Gif Animator.


REFERENCES available upon request.

Part of the home work station.



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