Michael's |
Detailed curriculum vitae of the artist's qualifications.
MICHAEL A. MOUSTAKIS Email: mike524@hotmail.com , mike524b@hotmail.com |
GENERAL | Composer, musician,
recording artist, MIDI programmer - Founding member of Greece's popular band "FATME" (1981-1989). - "Myths" (EMI 1994) - M. Moustakis compositions and recordings. - Collaborated with reknowned Greek artists Harris Alexiou, Dimitra Galani, Aphroditi Manou, Loukianos Kilaidonis, D. Tsaknis, L. Mahairitsas, V. Papakonstandinou. - Composed and recorded music for the National Greek Theatre. 3D computer graphics artist and animator. Web page designer/developer. Personal painting/sketching exhibition (1996). |
Pindarion School of Music - Traditional & Contemporary Harmony - Counterpoint & Fugue - Piano & Guitar Self educated yet highly experienced in 3d graphics, animation and Internet related software. |
IBM PC (DOS, Win95/3.1)
and Macintosh - Cubase (midi sequencer) - I/O Session8 (direct to hard disk recording) - WaveLab, Awave - Micrographix Picture Publisher - Corel - Photoshop - Quark Xpress - 3D Studio 4 - VistaPro (3D landscape simulation and animation) - PhotoMorph, Winmorph, ElasticReality - Adobe Premiere - FrontPage, Netscape's Composer, HTMLNote - Java Development Kit |
Multimedia Productions - Produced, edited and directed own LIVE concert at CPG Conference Hall, combining live performance and acting, with video projection. - Created video computer animation and effects for stage presentation of original music and songs, using Movie Machine video capture, 3D Studio, Vistapro, Photomorph, Corel, Adobe Premiere. - Directed theatrical monologues over background live music and video animation. METRO - Concert
Productions INTERSET -
Computer Company THE JAVA HOUSE
Restaurant (www.javahousesf.com) |
REFERENCES available upon request. |
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