

Most of the following avi's are parts of movies,
created in various animation programs, compiled
in Adobe Premiere and transfered to VHS video tape.
(All video clips have been compressed using Cinepak Codec.)


Morphing clip of a wall clock to one of Dali's melting clocks painting. Created in Photomorph studio and used as a background movie in live presentation of "Myths".


Animation clip of a zoom-in through a glass canvas. Created in 3D Studio R4.


Animation clip of a fly-by pond in front of moving clouds. Created in 3D Studio R4 and used as a background movie in live presentation of "Myths".


Light transformation. Created in 3D Studio R4 with KPT gradient tools and used as a transition effect between two clips.


Morphing clip of flying golden rocks transformed to "INTERSET" company logo. Created in 3D Studio R4 with KPT tools and used for the company's computer animated advertisement.


Camera's rolling by an odd room, seeing the artist's super impossed picture on one wall, a standing light and a fireplace like screen playing an animated clip. Created in 3D Studio R4, after the use of various image editing programs.




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