My Border Collies
I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I do my dogs!
[Place cursor on photos to hear what they have to say!]
I can't believe she didn't name me Bandit! Are you going to start cooking and dropping stuff soon?
My 1st Border Baby Meet Boomer. Born Jan. 28, 2001. FYI: Collies Can't COOK!
Who is that? Where am I? WHO am I?!?
I'm a professional. Never try this at home!
And They Can't Fly Either!!
Brutus Arrives! March 2003
Why you flashing that light at me mom?
Would you please stop flashing that light at me?!?
I think he really IS going to be a BRUT!
Winner gets the table scraps tonight!
My Collie's Are more Curious than Cats!
Hope you liked our pics!!
Tug Rug NEVER gets boring for a "bored" collie
Later People...I'M OUTTA HERE!