More of those "Legal Statements", Blah Bah  Blah......!

The following has been formulated keepin in mind that everybody, someday can sue anybody for absolutely anything whatsoever! The intention of this drafting is to prevent the creator of this site...that would be prevent and or avoid me from gettin legally diffused by anyone!

The creator of this site does not hold any liability to the consequences of reading all this content. Infact all this content has been formulated for the reader's benefit . If any signs of illness are shown after the reading of this drafting, he/she should be immediately carried to the nearest medical facility. Having EMT's nearby while reading this page is an added bonus! It is however to be recalled that the site does not owe any responsibility for the consequences of reading this or any other content linked by this web-site. In case of serios brain damage and or constipation, the site can be reached for technical help only. Again the site does not assume responsibility for any sorta medical disasters or malfunctions rising from the advice generated from this site.

The site creator was partially de-activited after drafting the above statement and readin it one full stretch, henceforth the site concludes the legal statement for now with the following message .. "I'll be back!".

For  legal statements as they happen, keep visitin this page. Address all correspondence to   See ya!

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