
Nathaniel Nutman

M: 972-54-9222451, E:

Personal Details

Date of Birth: 17/11/1973

Nationality: Israel, I have a Canadian Permanent Resident card

Marital Status: Married

Dear Hiring Manager

I have 10 years of experience in Software Testing. In parallel I have 8 years of extensive experience in Managing Testing groups and Development Automation framework to support Software and Hardware Testing with emphasis on Functionality Testing Projects for Software and removable storage products (such as flash based drives).

I feel that my managerial skills combined with my experience would be an asset in this role.
Enclosed is a copy of my resume, which fully details my qualifications for the position.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope to have the opportunity to discuss the opening with you in person.


Nathaniel Nutman


Employment History

2004-Today SanDisk (former M-systems) Director of Products Functional Testing

Managing all testing activities for the USB business unit (managing 25 People). I have extensive experience in building an Automation framework to support all Software and Hardware Tests.

Key Responsibilities :

- Managing All Functionality Testing Projects and SDK testing Projects for UFDs Products.

- Managing a team of 25 people, comprised of 6 teams.

- Recruiting employees for the quality assurance department

- Managing outsource and 3rd party contractors

- Implementing project management methodologies

- Coordinating efforts with different business units and 3rd party companies.

- Educating on new QA methodologies

- Managing a testing Lab of 250 different platforms

- Managing all budget aspects for the combined technology group (60 people, with a budget in excess $2MM)

2000 - 2004 Seaside QA Manager

Key Responsibilities :

- Recruiting employees for the quality assurance department.

- Managing the QA testing of HiPerExchange and Xkey Project

- Managing the QA testing of all projects: Server Client system and a website management consol.

- Implementation of the system at the client site

- Supervised and trained a QA In house (quality assurance) team (5 people)

- Supervised and manage an outsourcing QA team in Canada. (2 people)

- Provided technical support and training for all Sales/ Marketing personnel.

- Managing Support Team of all Products : HiperExchange and Xkey.

- Liased with Sun Microsystems to organize the first presentation of the "Galore" at the JavaOne event in San Francisco, June 2001.

- Participated in product design conferences.

- Worked with automatic testing tools: Automate, Web load, PolyGraph tools.

- Knowledge acquired: C, Perl, SQL, DataBase, TCP/IP, sniffing tools for network, HTML including website building for QA needs,

Server Client Systems, IIS, MSOffice, Operating systems: Windows , Macintosh .

1999 - 2000 Tact Systems Testware Inc , Team Leader

Key Responsibilities :

I have worked in Orange and Neurovision as a subcontractor from Tact :

- Orange (cellular company; tested various projects, including data warehouse and middleware systems)

- Neurovision (lazy eye treatment system) - Create and manage all automatic tests using Win Runner.

- Recruiting QA employees.

- Meeting with clients to understand the system to be tested.

- Estimating resource requirements of testing projects.

- Planning, writing and implementing methodologies to test the various systems of different clients , Working closely with a team of programmers to achieve the

project's goals.

- Defining testing strategy, selecting testing tools and generating test reports

- Managing a team of testers in different projects.

- Teaching Test Director in Tact's testing course

- Acquired knowledge of the following automatic testing tools: Win Runner, Load Runner, Test Director, Astra site manager, Web Load Rational Clear Quest.

July 1998 - 1999 Israel Police , Detective - Intelligence squad

Education and Training


2001 - Bachelor degree in Management Business at Derby University, Ramat Efal, Israel

1997 - Diploma gained "Practical Engineer as Construction Engineer ", Tel Aviv College Israel.

Training Courses :

2006 - TOC Project Management course, Goldratt Institute.

2005 - CSQE Certification by ASQ

2005 - USB Course

2004 - Team Leaders course (internal for m-systems)

2003 - Several psychology courses at the open university

2000 - Studied C programming at a computer college Rehovot, Israel.

Army Service

1992 - 1995 Various commanding roles at the engineering unit.

Hobbies and Interests :

Gardening, Computers Games, Stock Market, Soccer, Ping - Pong, Piano, USA Summer Camp guide.

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