Membership Information

Membership Contacts:

Ellen Mahathey CPS (256) 842-9888

Membership is open to all federally employed secretaries, clerical, and administrative office professionals

IAAP is an international organization of over 40,000 office professionals. An administrative office professional is defined as one who possesses a mastery of office skills, demonstrates the ability to assume responsibility without direct supervision, exercises initiative and judgement, and makes decisions within the scope of assigned authority.

Dues include subscription to OFFICEpro magazine. Dues for IAAP are not deductible as a charitable contribution for tax purposes, but may be deducted as a business expense.

Policy and Procedures

New Members and Renewing Members Partial Payment Plan.

The Redstone Arsenal Chapter offers a partial payment plan to new members and renewing members. The plan is designed to be paid in three equal consecutive monthly installments. Partial Payment plan will not be accepted without the Partial Payment Form with the first installment.

If payments are not made on the designated date, the member will be removed from the chapter roster.

The installments will be divided equally for three consecutive months.

New Member

International Dues $58.00

Division Dues: $15.00

Chapter Dues: $ 5.00

Processing Fee: $15.00

Total $93.00

First Installment: $31.00

Second Installment: $31.00

Third Installment: $31.00

Total $93.00

Renewing Member

International Dues: $58.00

Division Dues: $15.00

Chapter Dues: $ 5.00

Total $78.00

First Installment: $26.00

Second Installment: $26.00

Third Installment: $26.00

Total $78.00

Procedure for Partial Payment of Dues

_____________I wish to join the Redstone Arsenal Chapter of IAAP by paying the membership fees in three installments. I have included the first installment along with my membership application. The next two installments will be paid on ______________ and __________________.

_____________I wish to renew my membership fees. I have included the first installment along with my renewal form. The next two installments will be paid on ______________ and _________________.

_________________________________ Date Submitted:__________


_________________________________ Date Mailed: ___________


Installments Received:

2nd _____________________________

3rd _____________________________

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