Numerous personal and professional development programs that provide the opportunity to build
management and leadership skills.
Keep "up to date" on industry news and trends through association publications such as OFFICEpro magazine, Bits & Bytes member newsletter, Chapter newsletter, and through international conferences.
Gain personal visibility and recognition, while strengthening the image of the professional in the global
Network with colleagues who are experts in a variety of fields.
Reduced rates on educational materials/courses.
IAAP sponsored workshops/seminars (CEUs awarded).
To Employers:
An up-to-date office staff.
A more professional team.
Opportunities for quality low-cost training and self-improvement.
To the Community:
Scholarships to students pursuing a business career.
IAAP Research and Educational Foundation provides funds for projects that benefit office professionals, management, and the educational field.
"Our mission is to be the acknowledged, recognized leader of office professionals
and to enhance their individual and collective value, image, competence, and influence"