Name-$exy~MeGaN~$exy Birthday-November 14(12 years old almost 13) $tatz-$iNgLe BuT gOt My EyEz On $oMeOnE $PeCiAl Hobies-Chillin wit my girlz and guyz 24_7,Soccer(we are the best in the state), $hoppin, Phone, Computer. $hOuT oUt To AlL mY gIrLz FrOm LiNdy- |
LaUrEnG-Hey girl wats up? We have to hang out alot this $ummer...not that we dont or anything.Remember last summer with the lemonade $tand...lot$ of money in our pocket...we made like 60$ in 1 day. Imagine how much money we can make in 1 week! Remember your aunt and your dad at $hore road, what they were doing with their hands ontop of their head!omg that wa$ $oOo funny!! Your aunt is crazy(not really)lol.Remember yesterday(6-17-02) with the fax ma$hine and how many times we messed up with that thing. And what i got for you!! I saved ur a$$ with...well you know what im talkin about.B.F.4.L-xoxo Tori-Hey mah $istah wats^? It $eem$ like there wasnt any $ummer when we were friend$ and we were hanging out wit eachother...we were always in a fight about $omething! Well this year we are going 2 have $o much fun! We are going to go to the beach and meet $ome hott CHIKO$. Remeber wit the mar$hmellow at your house...and when i kicked your brok in hiz ballez and he ws like ohhhh that hurt really really bad!! And at the movie$ with the hott lax playaz...and wit the popcorn wit me, u, laurenG, kim, christie, and that was $o much fun!And out notebook wit all of the you think you know but you have no idea...this is the diary of Megan...June 18, that is so funny!!B.F.4.L_$.4.L Chri$tie-Hey hun we have so many names for eachother like-Smochie, Titilicker(long story),bitch(or should i say my bitchlol),special and so many more. Remember at soccer wit *** and his nice ass...and when we both we across the feild from eachother and we both said were havin a tea party!! LoL and when i came over your house at the begining of the year and i was scared to jump over the fence!!lol that was so funny and wit the bee nest that we kicked the soccer ball at!! and at soccer games this is such bull shit that mother fucker is going to play!! And i wish you were at the game wit the people from baldwind you siag you would have kicked their ass(and i dont mean in soccer i mean wit ha fist)You are a great friend and i feel like i have known you for ever but i have only known you since last year at soccer tryouts!!B.F.4.L LaurenV-Hey girl remember at your house with brittany how much you lied to me that night wit julia and in the you use to be such a bitch but now you are so nice to me!We have known eachother since we were babies!love yah like a sister.B.F.4.L Kaity-Hey hun i dont know what to say about you but that you are so sweet and nice. We have known eachother since the begining of 6th grade and i want use to stay friends for a long time!!We have to hang out alot over the summer!!B.F.4.L Keri-Omg what can i say about you but that you are so sweet and nice to me. We really dont hang out alot but we we change that this summer. Me and you got really close this year and i am really glad!! Remember at the movies wit alot of people when we got kicked out!lol that was funny.Remember at fallon's house wit the watter fight omg!!you got me so wet and wit omg itz raining matt!!lol and his truck!!B.F.4.L All Of My Other People- Renee, Amanda, Falicia, gina, kristie, kristin, kristin, brittany, brittany, brittany, LaurenS, Danielee, Kristie, anja, krystal, julia, lori, nicole, vanessa, jessica, nicole, jessica, JEN(my best friend-ryan),alex, jamie, sara, maria, jackie, amanda, will, rob, ryan, chris, steve, chris, nick, dave, anda, alden, meg, kelci, debra, asia, jayne, danielle, KC. |
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