hEy Keri we are sittin in the libary in 8th period right now and i am soo bored lol!! This is your page on my homepage because you have been a great friend to me and your juz the best person to be around lol! This friday is goin to be the best eva when your parents arent home the hole weekend we are going to get soo bombed haha and i gotta sleep ova because we are going to have a hang over the next day lol! Well im suppose to be in gym right now not in the libary with you lol. You better get my smernoff. Lmao you dont no how to fukkin spell it either haha! omg 32803 was the best nite omfg that is our code number! hah well it is now 4-15-03 and it is our last day of school till vacation and me you alicia and christie all cut gym and i am having just so much fun! yay lolol Well i dont no what else to write buh love ya like a sis!! n.i.a.g.l.w
mEg aNd kEri s4L a.A.F