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I haven't taken much time in making this page. Here are some pics of my woodworking projects for my friends to see.
These are some outside projects & aren't really typical of my work. Most of what I like to do is finished furniture and architecural woodwork.
A Dog House A Duck House
A Rabbit Hutch
A Gazebo
A Bird Feeder
I don't have many of my finished projects scanned in , but here are a few. My favorite woods are oak & walnut. I also work with maple,ash, pine,and a few others. Mostly woods that are native to my area.
This is a Maple chest I built
This is a similar chest out of Oak
This is an Oak Stairs I did
An Oak Gun Cabinet
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A Pine Shelf
A Walnut Aquarium Stand
This is a bedroom that was made into a den. All of the bookshelves & wanescot are walnut. I tore out a closet to make the built in bookshelves. The pics don't show the beauty of the wood very well, Sorry.
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(My Pictures)