MPB Creations

The Best In Quality Web-Design

Basic Page Rate
Our Basic Page consists of getting started up with your text or message, a secondary page, 5 photographs/images, 5 lines or bullets, your email address posted, a free guestbook, a free counter and 5 links of your choice. $150.00
Additional images
$3.00 per image that we scan. $1.00 per image file from the internet. $.50 per extra line, or bullet.
Additional Pages
$30.00 for each secondary page. If you order two pages at once we'll throw in the third one for half the price of one. Example: If you order two pages at one time for $60.00 then if you'd like a third one then you get it for $15.00.

We'll scan photos for your page and return them to you only if we're asked to.

When your files are uploaded a server you can either make your own changes or we'll make them for an additional $20 per hour that we work on it.

If you would like to place an order with MPB Creations then click here.

Sign Our Guestbook
Contact us at
MPB Creations

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