
Science Education

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         Sunset at Aqaba - Jordan

I have recently joined the teaching profession after many years in the chemical industry in the UK, Saudi Arabia and Jordan ( quick tour ). Qualified Teacher Status is attained through the Post Graduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) course.

The PGCE course focuses on 'Standards' as set out in Standards for the Award of Qualified Teacher Status, Annex A to DfEE circular Number 4/98, Teaching: High Status, High Standards - Requirements for Courses of Initial Teacher Training.

During the PGCE course student teachers were advised to read one of the most useful reference books that guides teachers towards more effective teaching. It is the
ASE Guide to Secondary Science Education, published by The Association for Science Education (1998) and Edited by Mary Ratcliffe.

Teaching science is a highly complex and professional task and therefore, it is vital to draw on the rich experience of practitioners and researchers who contributed to this guide.

Learning science develops an enquiring and analytical mind which is a great asset in any career the learner chooses to follow. Learning science also develops other important skills such as literacy, mathematics and communication.

Teacher and Learner must form a partnership based on mutual respect and a keen interest in Science in order to reach the academic goals and to enhance the quality of life for all.