@lex |
General Questions: |
Name - Alex Moore |
Nicknames - Da kid, spike, archie and Ox |
Height - 5' 11" |
Weight - 200 lbs. |
Eyes - Blue |
Spoken Languages - English, barely any french, barely any serbian |
Family members - Too Many |
Food - Lasagna |
Favourites: |
Movie - Hunt For Red October |
Memory - Uncle's Stag |
Place to be kissed - XXX-rated |
Quote from movie - "when this baby hits 88mph, you're gonna see some serios shit!" |
Holiday - Christmas |
Day of the Week - Thursday PAY DAY |
Song - Less than Jake - Automatic |
Drink - Grand Marnier with a beer chaser |
Sport - Hockey |
Animal - FOX |
Seaseme St. - Ernie |
Subject - Drama |
Store - Car buffs |
SNL skit - Coffee Talk |
Other: |
Where i see myself in ten years: in the sack |
Worst injury - groin pull (ouch) |
Most annoying thing is - people who don't replace the toilet paper when they finish the roll |
Sexiest thing about the opposite sex - back |
Family members - Too Many |
Weirdest yearbook message - have a good summer, ADAM!!!!!!!!(my name is alex) |
Prized Possession - My Mustang |
Most attractive cartoon character - Jean Grey of the X-Men |
Most annoying Phrase - "Anyways" |
Worst pick up line - is that a mirror in your pocket cause i can see myself in your pants |
Worst Feeling Ever - when my car won't start |
What's under my bed - Magazines (Car, Motorcycle and dirty girly porno) |
Worst Movie Seen - The Ninth Gate |
Character on Friends i am most like - Chandler |
Last Movie Watched - Return to me |
If i could meet one person - Alexander the Great (He's got a cool name) |
Best feeling ever - when i kick someone's ass in a car race |