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Welcome to the official website of the Amnesia Corporation! The Amnesia Corporation is a conglomerate full of subdivisions. Unfortunately, the subdivisions don't have their websites up yet. But nevertheless, here's a list of them!

Amnesia Web Design (we make websites)

Deja Vu Productions (movies)

Amnesia Teknologies (something or other...)

Boogaley! (the artwork part; only drawings of "Boogaleys" Phil and I do in art class)

As you can see, we aren't a very large conglomerate.

You are idiot # since November 21, 1998!

Here is the list of all the people who work or might work for The Amnesia Corporation!

Chris Berry, the founder.

Ingrid Norton

Steve Awlaskewicz (the PokeMon addict!)

Max Marian, the co-founder

Phil Gelineau

Links to other sites on the Web

Life in 2116 (the founder's website)

You are now listening to "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" by the Beatles, the inspirational song for the Amnesia Corporation.

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