The Scene

Punk-Rock Pete!The Scene...
What is The Scene?

The Music Room.
This is the music-active area of The Scene.  This is where you find the type of music The Scene is all about, the new and older bands that The Scene supports, concert reviews, and other music-related areas of interest.  If you have any ideas on how to make this area better, e-mail Addie at, with the subject line "Re: The Scene Ideas" - otherwise your e-mail may be deleted.

Concert Guidelines
Better check these out before you do something stupid!

A Lesson on Opportunity!
Newest Article from The Scene and Addie Inc! If Opportunity walks right in, awesome! If Opportunity knocks, but is hesistant to enter, what do you do? Read this!

Say "Hello" to our little mascot, our inspiration, our Buddy, if you will.  This is Punk-Rock Pete!
Punk-Rock Pete loves taking long walks on the beach, road trips, picnics in the park, and goes
 to tons of shows.  Punk-Rock Pete writes reviews for shows on occasion, although usually he gets pretty banged up in the mosh pits,
 so his ability to write reviews is somewhat limited.

Punk-Rock Pete is available on a plain white t-shirt, and are selling at the BARGAIN PRICE of $17.
Ok, so maybe it's not the best deal ever, but hey, these things cost money for me, too!

If you get 5 other people to buy this shirt, we will let you buy the shirt for... oh, lets say...
$10.  You need to email Addie with your prisoner's email addresses, and after we confirm
their purchases, we will let you off the hook and let you grab the shirt for $10.  Don't buy
the shirt before your 5 zombies!  Refunds are not our specialty, although we will do our best
to accomodate idiots.

The shirt is simple - the Punk-Rock Pete image, as shown above, with some text on the back of the shirt.  You can view it at

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