The Scene us/guitar/spitfire.htmlThe Scene:
The Scene has two main areas:

Concert Guidelines:  Do's and Don'ts for a Punk Rock Show!
    Going to a show?  Better check out these
    guidelines before you piss someone off!
The Music Room.
    Bands, Concert Reviews, banners... 
    Always open to new bands!
    This is pretty much the music-active
    area, while The Scene itself is more of a
    dream of a physical building, selling
    and showing good music, new and old.

Within these areas, are other sections with more... cool stuff?

A letter from the creator:

 yo -

 Thank you for showing your interest in The SceneThe Scene is the newest thing that will have happened to music, and is certainly going to make more than a splash in the business community.  We have big plans, big dreams, and a concrete consumer base to support us.  We hope that you will love our idea as much as we value your interest.

The Scene is currently in the developmental stages at this point, but the concept is clear:

Local Bands.

The Scene will be based around local bands, helping them get publicity, and helping them sell their music.  It is hard enough for local bands to get recognized for the talent they possess, and we are out to help them realize their dreams!

The Scene
will be much like any other music store, except we will connect with the community through the local bands.  We hope to grow quickly, and each store will have that special connection with each community that we have the pleasure of working in.

Please remember, The Scene is still in the developmental stages, and there will be nothing concrete until every last detail has been sketched out.  If you would like more information about us, or more information about donating, please feel free to contact the President and founder of The Scene, Addie Heflin.  If you are interested in joining us in our crusade for music, and would like to help, we would be glad to have you!

In order to prioritize e-mail, please use the following Subject Lines for your specific requests:

Re:  The Scene Info                  For more info on us
Re:  The Scene Donations         For info on donating
Re:  The Scene ROCKS            For info on joining our team!

I would like to repeat, and make a note that The Scene is in the developmental stages - it will probably be several years, if not more, before this things takes off.  Any suggestions or hints will be gladly taken!  We will let you know when something major happens, but until then...  don't look for our signs anywhere!  I wanted to make sure not to give the wrong impression, and allow you to think that The Scene is coming to a city near you - because it's not.  Not yet, anyways.

Thank you again for your interest, and we hope to hear from you soon!


Addie Heflin, President and Founder

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 | Concert Guidelines | The Music Room | Bands | Reviews | The Scene Info |
| Addie Inc. | Addie | LBSA | The Scene |