The Scene
proudly presents...

Concert Guidelines

    Now, many of you have been to concerts, and have seen or heard people behaving in a manner...
Inappropriate for the show.  Here is a quick list of guidelines for the average punk-rock show.

1.  Do NOT try to fake people out to get a better spot in the crowd.  For example, me and a friend went to a Sugarcult show (02/02/05, 9:30 Club, DC), and were rockin out like we always do.  Then, 4 people (3 guys, one girl) show up next to us, say 'excuse me', trying to get past the first layer of the 'crowdal epidermis'.  Naturally, thinking about the Concert Guidelines, we assume that they saw a clear spot open up further in front, so we let them go ahead, expecting them to move on through the crowd.  However, they did not.  They stood right where we had allowed them space to move.  We were towards the back of the crowd.  It's not like we were in the packed-up front area - we were in the relaxed back-end of the show.  And they think it's cool to just stand in our spot?  Is this fair?  No, of course not!  What gives random people the right to just fake you out like that?  So do us all a favor, and if you want a good spot for the next set, just hang out by the stage during the in-between time.

Punk-Rock Pete2.  Do NOT bring drinks into the crowd, unless you are planning on turning it into a wet t-shirt contest.  By this, I mean, if you decide to get a drink, that's cool, but keep it out of the crowd, so that you aren't making the rioting lame for the rest of us.  Drinks that ARE brought into the crowd need to be splashed on everybody within range, hopefully inciting a very cool mosh.

When in doubt, follow Punk-Rock Pete!  Notice how he wears only what is necessary... well, you should probably wear clothes with your shoes, so here is a few tips for those of us who decide to wear clothes:
    -Do NOT EVER wear ANY merch of any of the bands that will be at that show.  If you are headin' out to a NFG show, please do NOT wear any NFG merch.  This shows your immaturity and complete obsession with that particular band, when most people just love the music.  If you buy something at the show, that may be acceptable, but do not wear old stuff to show your loyalty.  Show your variety, not your stupidity!
    -Do not wear high-heels!  This just screams "I'm a whore, fuck me!"  This rule is only exempt in very few punk-rock fashion situations.  Please inquire for further details.  If unsure, play it safe and go without.  Try to avoid heels at all costs, so that my toes will feel safe and sound in my shoes.
    -Dress to your activity.  If you are planning on getting into a mosh, do not wear a hoe-skirt!  If you are planning on being way in front, don't get pissy if your hair gets pulled or somebody pulls your earring.  Shit happens.  Get over it and get rocking.  Try putting your hair in a braid and wearing tiny studs.  Avoid excessive jewelry, ie, hoops, necklaces, braclets, and other accessories that may be ripped off of your person.  If you are planning on sticking to the back of the crowd, feel free to get a little dressy or whatnot, but be forewarned that I will make fun of you if you wear a hoe-skirt and hoops, and I will probably call you names behind your back... or to your face.  Whatever :)  it's all in good fun, don't take it personally :)

4.  This is a major rule, and should never be broken.  NEVER EVER scream 'I LOVE YOU!!!' at a show, unless your honey-bunch is tryin' to break up with you so that he can hook up with a hott chick, and you can't think of any other way to keep him with you.  And if you happen to find yourself in that situation, screaming 'I love you' probably won't help then, either.

5.  Do NOT try to impress random people around you by bragging about any meetings with any of the bands, or if anyone in any of the bands gave you something, touched you, fucked you... Don't brag, in general.  It tends to piss people off because you think you are better than them, and that is not cool.

6.  DO NOT JUST STAND THERE!  When the music starts, it is your cue to flip out!  Headbang, mosh, dance, anything!  Don't be boring and lame, because even the openers want you to have tons of fun!

7.  Do NOT leave your bud to fend for themselves.  Pick your show-buddies carefully.  If you want to mosh, don't pick a gimp, pick somebody who doesn't have medical restrictions.  If you want to chill out, don't pick somebody who likes to mosh and rock out, you get the picture.

8.  Do NOT buy  any substances from anyone at the show, unless it is an authorized dealer - I know what you're saying, there are no authorized drug-dealers!  This includes drinks also, smart guys.  Me and a few friends were at that Sugarcult show mentioned previously, and one of the guys we were with got offered an eighth *for free* from one of the guys from the opening band.  Don't accept anything at a show unless you know exactly where it came from.  Purely safe common sense.

9.  When moshing, if you happen to knock somebody down, or somebody falls from crowd-surfing, help them up!  It's only polite, and we're all here to have fun... so why start a fight when you can make a friend?

10.  When it's crowded, and people are gross and sweaty and still having the time of their lives - don't separate friends!  To clarify, as long as all the above rules are followed, people should be entitled to follow their friends through a crowd.  For example, if there are two or three friends, trying to get out of the crowd, let them pass!  Don't be a jackass and let one person by on accident, then prevent the other two from going the same way.  This rule only applies to small groups - such as two or three people.  If you have four or more people, then just have a meeting point and go your separate ways.  So, don't be an ass and separate people; and don't be an idiot and drag a line of people through a crowd.

Punk Rock Pete Party!