Founded:  September, 1999
    Founder:  Secret Agent 000 Addie Hill
 Your mission is to join the LBSA and fight the evils of the universe.

   As a member of the LBSA, you will encounter terrible dangers as well as incredible adventures through space.  Nowhere else can you be sucked into a supernova and be spit out a split second later, leaving your enemies in the stardust behind you.  Join the LBSA and not only will you lead a life of adventure, but you will also get a full college scholarship.  You can also apply to the LBSAA, the Little Blue Space Aliens Academy, located in PB-S44, section 3369 of the outer-left universe.  For an application, write to:

LBSAA Services
PB-S44, 3369
Outer-Left, 2011111111112


As part of the LBSA, you will need to know the seven(7) basic types of ESA.

Types of ESA:
Big Orange Space Aliens  (BOSA) They are Big and Orange and not very nice.
Killer Poultry Easy to spot- yellow beak, white feathers, fat, yellow legs, and, oh yeah, most carry big, dangerous guns or other harmful weapons.
Evil Leprechauns They have an Irish accent and an evil laugh.
NOTE:  They hate green!  It is your only ally against them other than the LBSA!
Fuzzballs They look cute and cuddly but they swallow humans like applesauce.
NOTE:  Buy a dust buster!
Gret Keens Not much is known about these multi-colored, skinny, bald, big eyed, long fingered, long legged, large cranium, boneless, liquid fearing aliens.  No one has ever seen a Gret Keen and the only thing we know about them is their name.
Amgec Faahds If you want to know about this creature, just ask.  It's standing right behind you.
Senioris Chiefis Big, scary, intimidating creatures who have a fearsome temper with ferocious consequences. 
NOTE:  Look for gray hair; this means that the Senioris Chiefis has been through much stress.  The more gray hair, the more tense and more deadly the Senioris Chiefis will be.
The Ban-Trans-Fat-Losers are an especially evil enemy of the LBSA.  They are the most dangerous evil villans to date.  For more information about these vicious creatures, go to , if you dare...


The LBSA is based on Addiism, which is in the early stages of becoming the popular religion.  To become a member of the LBSA, you must be, or willing to become, a devout Addiist. 

To be a member of the LBSA takes dedication and loyalty.  The Little Blue Space Aliens.  Fight, Defend, Protect.   A universe of one.  The many, the determined.  The LBSA.  


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